Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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heard). The light flashes continued, coming from the western part <strong>of</strong> the wide landscape that can beseen from the south <strong>of</strong> the house, which is built on the side <strong>of</strong> a hill. Opening a large window thatleads onto the terrance, the witness first observed the objects. There were two <strong>of</strong> them, disk-shaped,horizontal, silvery-white on top and bright red underneath.Other details <strong>of</strong> the objects that the doctor was later able to recall include horizontal "antennae" anda vertical antennae on top, while a perfectly cylindrical beam <strong>of</strong> white light illuminated the mistunder the disks. The flashes, which occurred with a periodicity <strong>of</strong> about one second, were markedby a brief increase in the luminosity <strong>of</strong> both disks, followed by a sudden burst <strong>of</strong> light betweenthem. The objects were moving in unison toward the left – that is, toward the center <strong>of</strong> the doctor'sfield <strong>of</strong> view – and they were coming closer, their apparent size increasing while the object thatseemed farthest away came to align itself with the closer one. While they were still approaching(following the trajectory <strong>of</strong> the beams on the ground enabled the witness to ascertain that they wereindeed coming closer), these two disks went through a remarkable transformation: their "antennae"came into contact, the two beams interpenetrated, the flashing activity stopped, and the two craftmerged.There was now a single disk, directly facing the window and still coming nearer, with a single beam<strong>of</strong> white light underneath. After a time (the witness is unable to recall how long), the disk beganflipping from a horizontal to a vertical position, until it was seen as a circle standing on edge. Theshaft <strong>of</strong> light, which had been drawn by the rotation into a sweeping movement toward the house,came to illuminate the entire front and shone straight into the doctor's face. At that instant a bangwas heard and the disk went away, leaving behind a whitish glow which was slowly blown away bythe wind.After these events, the witness wrote a detailed account <strong>of</strong> his sighting, with sketches. He awoke hiswife and told her what had happened. At that point it was she who observed, with considerableamazement, that the swelling and pain in his leg had completely disappeared. In the days thatfollowed, he became aware that all the after-effects <strong>of</strong> a wound he had recieved during the Algerianwar had also dissipated.French science writer Aime Michel, a researcher with the French radio and television organization,visited the witness on November 8, six days after the sighting, and found him tired; he had lostweight since the observation and was very distressed by what had happened to him. That same dayhe experienced cramps and pains in the abdomen, and a red pigmentation appeared around thenavel, forming a triangle. By November 17 this seemingly preposterous phenomenon was welldeveloped. Examinations by a dermatologist led to negative results, but the specialist was sointrigued by this triangular pigmentation without a cause that he decided to document it as a reportto the French Academy <strong>of</strong> Medicine. The witness – who had not told the specialist that everythinghad started with his observation <strong>of</strong> a UFO – requested that on the contrary he given thephenomenon no publicity. During the night <strong>of</strong> November 13-14, the doctor had had a dream inwhich a triangular pattern was seen connected with a flying disk. The same triangle appeared on thebaby's stomach a day or so after the witness's examination. The psychosomatic explanation firstproposed by Aime Michel had to be discarded.When the investigator (who kept the witness under close observation) published the results <strong>of</strong> histwo-year follow-up <strong>of</strong> the case, he noted that there had been no recurrence <strong>of</strong> either the warsequelae or the wound on the leg. The peculiar triangle, however, continued to come and go on boththe father and the son, and would stay visible for two or three days at a time, even when the childwas away and staying with his grandmother, who knew nothing <strong>of</strong> the sighting and was very muchalarmed when she saw the triangular pigmentation. The recurrence <strong>of</strong> the triangle was observedevery year and was again recorded on film in 1986.Like the grandmother, friends <strong>of</strong> the family still know nothing, but they have noted a change in themental attitudes <strong>of</strong> the doctor and his wife: they seem to have acquired an almost mysticalacceptance <strong>of</strong> the events <strong>of</strong> life and death, which is puzzling to those who had known thempreviously. Finally, there is the matter <strong>of</strong> the paranormal phenomena that now take place aroundthem. Coincidences <strong>of</strong> a telepathic nature are frequently reported, and the doctor has allegedly, on at

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