Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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afford long to ignore the apparition in the sky <strong>of</strong> objects that defy the laws <strong>of</strong> its physics and theperformance <strong>of</strong> its rocket planes. Within a few years, the advanced countries will place on thisproblem, openly or in secret, their best physicists, their best intelligence specialists, their bestcomputer scientists. As I mentioned at the beginning <strong>of</strong> this book, the Star Wars defense projectmakes a study <strong>of</strong> UFOs a top-priority task. But our scientists may be powerless to utilize theirexpertise, because the phenomenon fits none <strong>of</strong> the usual categories. UFOs cannot be analyzedthrough the standard research techniques, if they are the means through which man's concepts arebeing rearranged. All we can do is trace their effects on humans, and hope that we will eventuallystumble on some principle that explains their behavior.What is the variable being controlled in this control system? Thermostats control temperature;gyroscopes control the direction in which a rocket flies. What could a paranormal phenomenoncontrol? I suggest that it is human belief that is being controlled and conditioned.Myth and CivilizationMy speculation is that a level <strong>of</strong> control <strong>of</strong> society exists which is a regulator <strong>of</strong> humandevelopment, and that the UFO phenomenon should be seen at this level. What would this explain?It would certainly explain why there is no overt contact. Direct contact would preclude genuinelearning. It also explains some <strong>of</strong> the statements made by ufonauts ("you should believe in us butnot too much"; "you will not speak wisely about this night"). It explains the absurdity <strong>of</strong> manycases, where reactions to the phenomenon may have been evoked in terms <strong>of</strong> nonverbalconsciousness rather than in "logical" terms. This would explain why so many witnesses areincapable <strong>of</strong> finding words to describe what they have seen. And it would explain the sexual andgenetic aspects, which reinforce the signal by encoding it with the most powerful emotions <strong>of</strong>which men and women are capable and with the violation <strong>of</strong> human taboos.The same idea was arrived at independently by two Soviet science fiction writers, Boris and ArkadyStrugatsky, in their delightful novel Definitely Maybe. Faced with a series <strong>of</strong> weird coincidencesand absurd communications aberrations, a group <strong>of</strong> scientists theorizes thatwithout suspecting it, we've tread on the corns <strong>of</strong> some super-civilization and it has decidedto regulate our progress as it sees fit.But another scientist in the novel has a different theory:Vecherovsky introduced the concept <strong>of</strong> the Homeostatic Universe: "the universe retains itsstructure," that was his fundamental axiom.When I speak <strong>of</strong> a spiritual control system I do not mean that some higher supercivilization haslocked us inside the constrains <strong>of</strong> a space-bound jail, closely monitored by entities we might callangels or demons. What I do mean is that mythology rules at a level <strong>of</strong> our social reality over whichnormal political and intellectual trends have no real power. At that level, time frames are long andevolution is slow. Mass media, which are designed to give split-second images <strong>of</strong> transient noise(the noisier the better), miss this signal entirely. A society with an attention span <strong>of</strong> minutes (theinterval between two TV commercial breaks) can have no concept <strong>of</strong> events that began when mygrandfather was not yet born and will end after my grandson dies. But there are such long-termchanges. They dominate the destiny <strong>of</strong> civilizations. Myths define the set <strong>of</strong> things scholars,politicians, and scientists can think about. They are operated upon by symbols, and the languagethese symbols form consistutes a complete system. This system is metalogical, but notmetaphysical. It violates no laws because it is the substance <strong>of</strong> which laws are made.The theory does not explain how UFOs are made to appear to us, although it gives support to oneidea about them: that they are constructed both as physical craft (a fact which has long appeared to

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