Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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like piezo-electricity, or static electricity, not to mention biological phenomena.In fact, the entire development <strong>of</strong> science consists in the fact that, at a given time, we realizethat we have had mistaken ideas about the reality <strong>of</strong> certain phenomena.It is difficult to add anything to this statement. It is not clear that the simple fact <strong>of</strong> keeping an openmind about UFOs will in itself make a breakthrough possible, but science should certainly welcomethe lifting <strong>of</strong> the government's attitude that has prevented it from examining the facts.The Third Coverup: The UFO Denies ItselfWe have so far discussed two forms <strong>of</strong> coverup: (1) pressure placed on witnesses to discouragethem from telling their story; and (2) fabrication <strong>of</strong> "explanations" when a witness does speak. Ibelieve that to these factors we must add a third one: the built-in silencing mechanism <strong>of</strong> thephenomenon itself.On December 3, 1967, a patrolman named Herb Schirmer, <strong>of</strong> Ashland, Nebraska, had an experiencethat deserves to be placed in the context <strong>of</strong> the stories <strong>of</strong> the abduction <strong>of</strong> Betty and Barney Hill and<strong>of</strong> the Pascagoula fishermen. At 2:30 A.M. Schirmer saw on the road an object with a row <strong>of</strong>flickening lights. Believing it to be a truck, he turned on his high beams. The object took <strong>of</strong>f. Thetwenty-two-year-old patrolman drove back to the station and wrote his entry: "Saw a flying saucerat the junction <strong>of</strong> highways 6 and 63. Believe it or not."Schirmer went home with a strong headache and a buzzing noise that prevented him from sleeping.He also had a red welt below the left ear. The case came to the attention <strong>of</strong> the Condon committee,and Schirmer was placed under hypnosis. It then became clear that there was a twenty-minuteperiod during which he remembered nothing. Later, at the suggestion <strong>of</strong> another researcher, he wasagain placed under hypnosis, revealing an extraordinary sequence <strong>of</strong> events.As he saw the object take <strong>of</strong>f, the patrolman decided to follow it and drove up a dirt road toward theintense light. He tried to call the police at Wahoo, Nebraska, but the radio was not working and thecar engine died. The object, metallic and football-shaped, was surrounded by a silvery glow. It wasmaking a "whooshing" sound, and the lights were flickering rapidly. Legs appeared under the craft,and it landed. Schirmer wanted to drive home, but he was "prevented by something in his mind."The occupants <strong>of</strong> the craft came toward the car. He was unable to draw his revolver. In the standardpattern they shot some greenish gas toward the car, pulled a small object from a holster, flashed abright light at him, and he passed out.The next thing Schirmer remembered, under hypnosis, was rolling down the car window andtalking to the occupant <strong>of</strong> the craft, who pressed something against the side <strong>of</strong> his neck and askedhim: "Are you the watchman over this place?" then pointed to the power plant and said, "Is this theonly source <strong>of</strong> power you have?"Schirmer was taken aboard the craft. He saw control panels and computer-like machines. Theoccupants were wearing coveralls with an emblem <strong>of</strong> a winged serpent. One <strong>of</strong> them pushed abutton and tapes started running. "Through my mind... somehow... he is telling me things.... Mymind hurts...."The occupants gave Schirmer a lot <strong>of</strong> interesting but clearly misleading information. They wantedhim to believe that they came from a nearby galaxy. They had bases in the United States. Their craftwas operated by reverse electromagnetism. Their ships had been knocked out <strong>of</strong> the air by radar, byionization. They drew power from large water reservoirs. Schirmer got the idea that they have nopattern for contacting people, it is by pure chance so the government cannot determine any patternsabout them and there will be a lot more contacts.To a certain extent they want to puzzle people, he reported.They know they are being seen too frequently and they are trying to confuse the public's mind.Finally the occupant told Schirmer that he was not to remember the inside <strong>of</strong> the ship. Heconcluded: "You will not speak wisely about this night. We will return to see you two more times."

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