Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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How could this be? It is no wonder that we have never been able to ask satisfactory questions aboutthe phenomenon. I have even thought that it may simply be what the force <strong>of</strong> evolution looks likewhen it acts upon conscious creatures. After all, our entire five-thousand-year history is but amoment in the life <strong>of</strong> our species, less than an instant in the evolution <strong>of</strong> the universe. It may be thatour history is in its entirety one <strong>of</strong> those magnificent explosions <strong>of</strong> evolutionary force that suddenlychange everything – effectively equivalent to the "moment" when Cro-Magnon man burst on thescene or the much longer "moment" when the dinosaurs disappeared.And the visitors – a dark and highly active phenomenon that seems to inhabit cracks in theunconscious, cracks in space-time, and cracks in history – are somewhere close to the essence <strong>of</strong>what is happening. Dr. Vallee elucidates the basis <strong>of</strong> what must surely become a new vision <strong>of</strong> theUFO phenomenon, one that will sweep aside the various levels <strong>of</strong> illusion behind which it hides.Dr. Vallee argues that the force that now appears in the form <strong>of</strong> UFOs and attendant manifestationshas emerged into history many times, operating as a sort <strong>of</strong> control mechanism that has altered andshaped human affairs, <strong>of</strong>ten pr<strong>of</strong>oundly.He demonstrates, for example, that the miracle <strong>of</strong> Fatima was a sort <strong>of</strong> hybrid appearing in part as areligious phenomenon and in part as a classic UFO encounter. One is left to wonder if there mightnot have been a very real technology behind the miracles and apparitions that have done so much toinfluence the growth <strong>of</strong> our cultures. Indeed, viewed from this perspective, it can be vigorouslyargued that most major religions have emerged out <strong>of</strong> visionary experiences that are, in fact,understandable in the setting <strong>of</strong> the UFO encounter. Thus the phenomenon becomes not simply one<strong>of</strong> a group <strong>of</strong> things that influence the evolution <strong>of</strong> culture, but rather a primary engine.It could very well be the single most important influence on our history. And it is arguably moreactive now on a global scale than it has ever been before.This should tell us something about the importance <strong>of</strong> this moment in history, and should suggest tous that the time to come to a clear and correct understanding <strong>of</strong> the phenomenon is now.The longer we remain ignorant <strong>of</strong> it, the more we guarantee that it will retain its power over us. It istime to appraoch this phenomenon with all <strong>of</strong> the clarity <strong>of</strong> mind that it deserves. Dr. Vallee, itseems to me, has taken a dramatically important step in this direction.Introduction: Closed Minds, Open QuestionsA mystery that has lingered in human imagination for many years, the mystery <strong>of</strong> unidentifiedflying objects and their occupants, is coming back to the front pages <strong>of</strong> our newspapers with aparade <strong>of</strong> new claims: not only are these objects seen in the sky and on the ground, but they are saidto have contacted humans and, in some cases, abducted them. The public has reacted to these storieswith a mixture <strong>of</strong> skepticism, awe, and fear. The lack <strong>of</strong> reliable data and the absence <strong>of</strong> seriousresearch are intensifying this concern.Therefore the time has come to reexamine the UFO phenomenon and to reopen the archives thatdeal with that ancient dream <strong>of</strong> our civilization, <strong>of</strong> every civilization: contact with alien beings.Each culture has sought to assemble this puzzle in its own way, and each culture has contributedsomething to the great pool <strong>of</strong> legends, folklore, and traditions that link human imagination with theheavens. Today the rapid pace <strong>of</strong> technology precipitates a new awareness <strong>of</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong> theproblem. The modern reader needs a new perspective, a new paradigm in which fear can be setaside and knowledge can prevail. <strong>Above</strong> all, he needs more facts.In an effort to help answer this need, the present book represents the distillation <strong>of</strong> some twenty-fiveyears <strong>of</strong> research. It gathers and updates some previously published material into a new, moremanageable collection <strong>of</strong> the most significant events that have marked the rich history <strong>of</strong> the UFOphenomenon. And it leads to a new conclusion: Although I am among those who believe that UFOsare real physical objects. I do not think they are extraterrestrial in the ordinary sense <strong>of</strong> the term. Inmy view they present an exciting challenge to our concept <strong>of</strong> reality itself.

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