Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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series <strong>of</strong> short loud "buzzes" which they described as sounding like someone had dropped atuning fork. They report that they could feel these buzzing sounds in their auto. No furthervisual observations were made <strong>of</strong> this object. They continued on their trip and when theyarrived in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> Ashland, N.H., about thirty miles from Lincoln, they again heardthe "buzzing" sound <strong>of</strong> the "object", however, they did not see it at this time.Mrs. Hill reported the flight pattern <strong>of</strong> the "object" to be erratic, changing directions rapidly,that during its flight it ascended and descended numerous times very rapidly. Its flight wasdescribed as jerky and not smooth.This report is remarkable for what it does not contain. In this respect, it is probably typical <strong>of</strong> alarge class <strong>of</strong> Air Force records (most <strong>of</strong> those involving close proximity to a UFO) where eitherwitness reluctance or lack <strong>of</strong> adequate follow-up eliminated the most significant information. In thepresent case, the witnesses failed to give the Air Force any information as to the beings they couldsee aboard the craft during their observation with binoculars. And proper investigation would havedisclosed an element <strong>of</strong> which they were not immediately aware: they could not account for a timegap <strong>of</strong> two hours between the two periods <strong>of</strong> buzzing sounds. In fact, they could not recall how theyhad driven the thirty-five miles between Indian Head and Ashland so casually mentioned in the AirForce report.Both witnesses had a series <strong>of</strong> strange nightmares. The dreams led them to see a psychiatrist whoused hypnosis to discover the root <strong>of</strong> the problem, and it was only then found that the origin <strong>of</strong> thenightmares could be traced to those missing two hours. Under separate hypnosis, Betty and BarneyHill said they had been taken by the strange beings into the UFO.I have heard the portion <strong>of</strong> the tapes covering the "abduction" <strong>of</strong> Betty and Barney Hill. I spent twodays in New Hampshire with the witnesses, and with Dr. Simon and John Fuller. The caserepresents a general pattern that cannot be separated from the total phenomenon.First, it is interesting to note that, as further details come to the Hills' memories after treatment, thecase took on more <strong>of</strong> the features present in other UFO landings, <strong>of</strong> which the Hills could not haveheard. One such detail is the recollection by Betty Hill that, after their car was stopped and a group<strong>of</strong> "men" had come toward them, the creatures had opened the door <strong>of</strong> the vehicle and pointed asmall device at her. When I asked her to what usual object she could compare it, she told me, "Itcould have been a pencil."It is not necessary to repeat the descriptions given by the Hills <strong>of</strong> the manner in which they wereabducted or <strong>of</strong> the conditions inside the object. It is enough to say that the statements made underhypnosis by Betty and Barney are in general agreement. And it is also useful to study the detailedaccounts <strong>of</strong> the entities given by the witnesses. Betty states:Most <strong>of</strong> the men are my height.... None is as tall as Barney, so I would judge them to be 5' to5'4". Their chests are larger than ours; their noses were larger [longer] than the average sizealthough I have seen people with noses like theirs – like Jimmy Durante. Their complexionswere <strong>of</strong> gray tone; like a gray paint with a black base; their lips were <strong>of</strong> bluish tint. Hair andeyes were very dark, possibly black.In a sense, they looked like mongoloids.... This sort <strong>of</strong> round face and broad forehead, alongwith a certain type <strong>of</strong> coarseness. The surface <strong>of</strong> their skin seemed to be a bluish gray, butprobably whiter than that. Their eyes moved, and they had pupils. Somehow, I had thefeeling they were more like cats' eyes.Barney, on the other hand, says this:The men had rather odd-shaped heads, with a large cranium, diminishing in size as it gottoward the chin. And the eyes continued around to the sides <strong>of</strong> their heads, so that itappeared that they could see several degrees beyond the lateral extent <strong>of</strong> our vision. Thiswas startling to me....[The mouth] was much like when you draw one horizontal line with a

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