Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret

Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact - Above Top Secret


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smart enough to recognize that the phenomenon is worthy <strong>of</strong> investigation and obeys certain fixedpatterns.I have devoted considerable time to collecting, studying, and reconstructing the detailed accountsthat were aviable to serious researchers <strong>of</strong> the previous centuries and to retracing their steps. Thatthey were scholars in theology and natural philosophy, rather than people trained in science, doesnot bother me. They applied the same principles. They started from stories that were reported tothem; they visited the witnesses to form a personal opinion about the report; and when they weresafely home, in the peace <strong>of</strong> their monastery or study, they compared the observation to those theyhad already gathered. They have pulled ancient books from dusty shelves just as I have. Theyopened Psellus alongside Paracelsus and Wier to seek the guidance <strong>of</strong> those who preceded them. Itwould have been as easy for them to jump to premature conclusions as it is for us to declare thatUFOs are extraterrestrial visitors. They could have claimed the creatures came from the moon orwere the denizens <strong>of</strong> hell. Remarkably, they kept an open mind. And they transmitted to us asurprisingly clear and fresh statement <strong>of</strong> the things seen in the sky and on the land for centuries,accounts that read like the modern reports <strong>of</strong> UFOs and alien abductions.One <strong>of</strong> these researchers, Reverend Kirk, who lived in Scotland in the late seventeenth century, haseven left us a list <strong>of</strong> sixteen concise, precise conclusions about the form <strong>of</strong> intelligence that controlsthe phenomenon, and the organization <strong>of</strong> the entities themselves. He calls that organization the"<strong>Secret</strong> Commonwealth."The Ghost and The TeletypeThe teletype message arrived in Dayton, Ohio, on September 9, 1966, through military channels.The full text, about four pages long, was quite unintelligible without knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Air Forceprocedure for the transmission <strong>of</strong> UFO reports.This particular message had originated at Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, and was addressed to the AirForce Systems Command, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, and the <strong>Secret</strong>ary. It bore the headlineUnclassified Routine and the title UFO Report Is Submitted In Accordance With AFR 200-2. KellyAir Force Base was sending something very close to a ghost story. The report made reference to twoseparate incidents, occurring, respectively, on August 6 and September 3, 1966, in a small Texastown. The author <strong>of</strong> the report is a father <strong>of</strong> four children. We shall call him Robert. His house islocated in a fairly isolated spot, and he has never discussed the incidents with his neighbors.On August 6, the three youngest children (ages six to nine) noticed a dark object shaped like anupside-down cup. Although it was afternoon, the children had not seen the object arrive. (Thesedetails, naturally, were not given spontaneously by the children; the story was reconstituted duringthe investigation.) It was dark, "without color and without lights." Then a square yellow lightappeared, like a door opening, and a small creature was seen in the square <strong>of</strong> light. The entity, threeto four feet tall, was dressed in black clothing that reflected a yellow or gold color. The observationlasted several minutes, then the door closed. A low humming sound became audible, and the objecttook <strong>of</strong>f toward the northeast, rising sharply but at an unexceptional speed. At no time did the objecttouch the ground: it hovered at a height <strong>of</strong> about fifteen feet, near a tree, which was foundundamaged, about thirty-five feet from the house.The second sighting took place on September 3. Most <strong>of</strong> the family had gone away, but the oldestdaughter had remained in the house with a friend. They were watching television in the afternoonwhen the set "snowed," then went out. The house was lit up with eerie red and yellow light whichappeared to be circling or twirling. They looked outside and saw an object hovering in the sameposition, by the same tree, as in the first sighting. Its shape, again, was that <strong>of</strong> an upside-down cup,with a flat disk beneath, like a saucer. It was covered with light and departed shortly afterward. Nosign <strong>of</strong> life was apparent inside or outside the craft.Two days later, Robert was propped up in bed. Through his door and across the hall he could see adark doorway leading to his sons' bedroom. All <strong>of</strong> a sudden he saw a small person, three and a half

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