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18.05.070 GENERAL PROVISIONS“Buffer” means an area of land which is either left undisturbed with native vegetation or is planted and maintainedin shrubs, bushes, trees, and/or other landscaping material, which will obscure visibility from adjoiningproperties and within which no structure is permitted except a fence.“Building” means any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or property ofany kind.“Building code” means the building code and/or other building regulations applicable in the city and/or borough.“Building, existing” means a building erected prior to the adoption of the ordinance codified in this title or onefor which a legal building permit has been issued.“Building, principal or main” means a building in which is conducted the principal or main use of the lot onwhich said building is situated. Attached garages, porches and carports shall be considered to be part of theprincipal building.“Collector street” means a street with usual average daily traffic of one thousand (1,000) to three thousand(3,000) trips per day.“Co-location” means the provisions of multiple antennas or more than one (1) commercial wireless communicationservice provider or government entity on a single tower or structure.“Commercial shopping center” means a structure designed for use for a store or stores offering frequentlyneeded goods and services for retail sale, which either (1) contains fifty thousand (50,000) or more square feetof gross floor area, or (2) applying the standards in the Trip Generation Manual of the Institute of TransportationEngineers (ITE), would be anticipated to generate a number of vehicle trips per day equal to or greaterthan the following:(1) For developments with access off of an arterial street: three thousand (3,000) trips.(2) For developments with access off of a collector street: two thousand (2,000) trips.(3) For developments with access off of a local street: six hundred (600) trips.(4) For developments with access off of a lane: one hundred fifty (150) trips.(5) For developments with access off of a place: fifty (50) trips.“Commission” means the Ketchikan Gateway Borough planning and zoning commission.“Common wall” means a wall with no openings located along a side lot line and forming the division betweentwo (2) independent but attached dwelling units located on adjoining lots. A garage or carport wall may formthe common wall, provided the garage or carport is attached to a dwelling unit.“Community character” means those indices of the composite nature of an area which are described as keepingwith the general theme or concept of a traditional design and/or construction consistent with the desires of thecommunity. Examples of consistency would be facades and exteriors constructed with materials found to bedesirable to those within boundaries of a defined area such as Ketchikan Gateway Borough.“Concessionaire’s stand” means any movable structure of any size which is not on a permanent foundation,constructed of any material, which is used for commercial purposes (sales and/or services) for a period of ten(10) days or more. A concessionaire’s stand as used in this title is a type of concession as that term is definedin Chapter 18.180 KGBC.“Cottage industry” means a small-scale home-based business involving the on-site manufacture and/or sale ofgoods or services or the retailing, wholesaling, and renting of real or personal property provided such activities18-6

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