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<strong>KETCHIKAN</strong> <strong>GATEWAY</strong> <strong>BOROUGH</strong> CODE 17.20.040(8) Copies of any private deed or other restrictions or covenants pertaining to the use of land to be imposedupon the land shown on the plat, or any part thereof, shall be typewritten and attached to the plat and toeach copy thereof.(9) If the subdivision borders a lake, perpetual stream or tidewater, the distances and bearings on a meanderline established not more than twenty (20) feet back from the ordinary high water mark of the lake, perpetualstream or tideland shall be shown. If the area between the high water line and the property is dedicatedto public use, reasonable public access to the lake, perpetual stream or tidewater must be providedand shown.(10) The water elevation of adjoining lakes or streams as of the date of the survey of the area for plat purposes,and the approximate high water elevation of such lakes or streams shall be shown.(11) Plats, deeds, record of survey drawings, and record of monument documents referenced in preparing theplat shall be noted on the final plat by recordation number.(e)Dedication and Acknowledgment.(1) The subdivider shall comply with all state and local laws and ordinances concerning dedication of allstreets, alleys, crosswalks, open spaces, drainageways, easements and rights-of-way for public purposes.Certificates of ownership and consents to the preparation and recording of the final plat and to the dedicationsand subdivision shall be obtained as provided in subsection (f) of this section, and such land dedicatedshall be deemed to be dedicated free and clear of any such interests, liens or claims. The right toinstall utilities in the street rights-of-way or easements shall be reserved for public utilities.(2) A dedication and acknowledgment thereof shall be shown on the face of the plat of any subdivision containingany dedication to the public.(3) Upon recordation of the final plat, all streets, alleys, thoroughfares, parks and other public areas, easements,or rights-of-way shown on the plat shall be, and are deemed to have been, dedicated to public use.Any such areas not dedicated to public use must be clearly marked as not dedicated on the face of the plat.(f)Certificates. Before the final map may be recorded, the following certificates must be obtained and affixed:(1) Certification by a registered land surveyor making the plat that it is correct and accurate and that the monumentsdescribed in it have been located as described.a. Registered Surveyor. The survey shall be performed and a map prepared by a surveyor registered inthe state of Alaska. Such map shall describe the entire ownership involved in the process of division.(2) Certificate of approval by the borough engineer, or the city engineer if the property is within, or is to beannexed to, the city of Ketchikan.(3) Certificate of approval by the State Department of Environmental Conservation of sewer and water plans.(4) Certificate of approval by the borough assessor.(5) Certificate of approval by the borough revenue collector and a statement that all taxes have been paid.(6) Certificate of approval of the planning commission serving as the platting authority chairperson.(7) Certificate of approval of the designated borough planning official.(8) Certificates of ownership and consents to subdivision, and to the preparation and recording of the finalplat, and to any dedications shown thereon, signed by all parties having any interest of record in the realproperty to be platted including, but not limited to, fee owners, spouses, mortgagees, sellers and buyersunder a contract of purchase, trustees and beneficiaries under a deed of trust, rights-of-way and ease-17-29

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