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18.55.020 CENTRAL COMMERCIAL (CC) ZONE(3) Light manufacturing, fabricating, assembling and repairing, subject to the following requirements:a. Such use shall be conducted on floors other than the ground floor except where clearly subsidiaryand incidental to a principal use permitted in this zone;b. Such uses may not include any uses not meeting the development requirements of the IL zone inKGBC 18.65.030(a) through (k);(4) Heliports and helistops;(5) Mobile buildings such as offices, commercial or watchman’s quarters subject to the requirements listedin Chapter 18.135 KGBC;(6) Travel trailer parks subject to the requirements listed in Chapter 18.135 KGBC;(7) Commercial shopping centers subject to the requirements listed in KGBC 18.105.140;(8) Telecommunications facilities subject to the requirements of KGBC 18.175.010. [Ord. No. 1603S2, §7,12-5-11; Ord. No. 1602, §1, 10-4-11; Ord. No. 1596S, §2, 10-17-11; Ord. No. 1398, §7, 7-24-06; Ord.No. 1294, §1, 2-2-04; Ord. No. 1158, §1, 10-16-00; Ord. No. 1141, §1, 6-19-00; Ord. No. 1091A, §3, 3-1-99; Ord. No. 1031, §§1, 4, 5-19-97; Ord. No. 1001, §1, 10-21-96; Ord. No. 939, §§1, 4, 5-16-94; Ord.No. 906, §2, 6-7-93; Ord. No. 599, §1, 3-17-87; Ord. No. 515, §§1, 2, 10-15-84; Ord. No. 368A, §12, 7-21-80; Ord. No. 136, §2, 8-20-73. Code 1974 §60.10.055(A); Code 1969 §49.15.110.]18.55.020 Uses prohibited.Any use or structure not listed under permitted principal, accessory and conditional uses. [Ord. No. 1602, §1, 10-4-11; Ord. No. 1596S, §2, 10-17-11; Ord. No. 1398, §7, 7-24-06; Ord. No. 1294, §1, 2-2-04; Ord. No. 1158, §1,10-16-00; Ord. No. 1141, §1, 6-19-00; Ord. No. 1091A, §3, 3-1-99; Ord. No. 1031, §§1, 4, 5-19-97; Ord. No. 1001,§1, 10-21-96; Ord. No. 939, §§1, 4, 5-16-94; Ord. No. 906, §2, 6-7-93; Ord. No. 599, §1, 3-17-87; Ord. No. 515,§§1, 2, 10-15-84; Ord. No. 368A, §12, 7-21-80; Ord. No. 136, §2, 8-20-73. Code 1974 §60.10.055(B); Code 1969§49.15.110.]18.55.030 Development requirements.(a) Minimum lot width: twenty (20) feet.(b)(c)Lot area, yard, coverage and height requirements: none except as stated in Chapter 18.105 KGBC.Off-street parking and loading: In the CC zone, it is planned that the off-street parking shall be provided principallyby public and commercial parking lots and garages; therefore, private off-street parking in this zonewill only be as required in Chapter 18.110 KGBC. Off-street loading space is required and shall be providedas required in Chapter 18.110 KGBC.(1) Any business, service, repair, storage or merchandise display shall be conducted wholly within anenclosed building, except concessionaire’s stands operating under the terms and conditions of a conditionaluse permit by action of the planning commission.(2) Conditional use permits for concessionaire’s stands must be reviewed annually for compliance with thecurrent development requirements contained in Chapter 18.180 KGBC.(d)One (1), two (2), and multiple-family dwellings, dormitories, rooming and boarding houses are developedwhere the ground floor elevation differs from the elevation of the nearest adjacent improved right-of-way bygreater than ten (10) feet, or where the structure is greater than fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way line of acollector street. In cases where one (1) or two (2) family dwelling residential use is allowed as the sole use ofthe property, the development requirements of the medium density residential zone, KGBC 18.40.040, shallapply. [Ord. No. 1602, §1, 10-4-11; Ord. No. 1596S, §2, 10-17-11; Ord. No. 1398, §7, 7-24-06; Ord. No. 1294,§1, 2-2-04; Ord. No. 1158, §1, 10-16-00; Ord. No. 1141, §1, 6-19-00; Ord. No. 1091A, §3, 3-1-99; Ord. No.18-48

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