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that exceeds one story in height, but does not exceed the gross floor area limit. For the CUPapplication, another option was submitted that does not exceed either the height or square footagelimits. The applicants submitted this last drawing in the event the Commission chose to deny thevariance request.The Option B version would be two stories, with the second story having the sloped walls of the roof,and a 16’ by 15’ (240 square feet) footprint. The gross floor area of the addition would be 480 squarefeet (2 floors at 240 square feet each), combined with the existing 240 square foot DADU would resultin 720 square feet of gross floor area. An unheated storage area for firewood would be constructedon the side that would not be calculated in the gross floor area of the DADU.The applicant is creating the need for this variance through their desire to build a structure larger andtaller than the code allows. For that reason, staff cannot support the proposed variance. TheCommission has the authority to interpret the more subjective standards for granting variances aswell as to consider factors such as aesthetics and impact that Planning staff cannot when evaluatingcases. The Commission can also grant portions of the applicant’s request such as allowing the heightvariance, but not the square footage.Summary & RecommendationPlanning staff recommends denial of this request for a major variance to allow an existing DADU tobe expanded to exceed the height and gross floor area limits contained in 60.10.116. The need forthe proposed variance is caused by the applicant, and the requested variance is not the minimumnecessary to provide substantial relief.Part III.REVIEW OF APPLICABLE CRITERIAA. A variance from a quantifiable standard may be granted in accordance with the reviewprocedures provided in subsection 60.10.120(C)(6) provided the applicant providesevidence that the following standards are met:A.1:Special conditions that require the variance are not caused by the person seeking thevariance;The need for the variance is created by the applicant’s desire to construct a larger and tallerstructure than is permittable.Finding A.1: The conditions requiring the variance being sought are created by the applicant.A.2:The variance will not permit a land use in a district in which that use is prohibited;The DADU is a permitted accessory use to the primary use of the site as a single familyresidence that is permitted within the RL zone.Finding A.2: The variance will not permit a land use that is prohibited.

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