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18.05.070 GENERAL PROVISIONS“Dwelling, twinhouse” means a building, located on a separate lot, designated exclusively for occupancy byone (1) family and containing one (1) dwelling unit, which is attached by a common wall located on a side lotline to a similar building on an adjacent lot containing one (1) dwelling unit.“Dwelling, two (2) family” means any building located on a single lot and containing only two (2) dwellingunits. Two (2) family dwelling units (duplexes) shall be either in a side-by-side or in an over-under (stacked)configuration. Side-by-side dwelling units shall share a common wall or be connected by a common roof. Theshared walls or roof shall not be those of a breezeway, or other accessory structure, but may include a carportor garage.“Dwelling unit” means one (1) or more rooms in a building designed as a unit for occupancy by one (1) familyfor living or sleeping purposes and having a kitchen or kitchenette.“End lot” means a lot in a townhouse development which has a common wall located on only one (1) of itstwo (2) side lot lines.“Essential service” means the erection, construction, alteration or maintenance by public utilities or municipaldepartments or commissions of underground or overhead gas, electrical, steam or water transmission or distributionsystems, collection, communication, supply or disposal systems, including poles, wires, mains, drains,sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, traffic signals, hydrants and other similar equipment andaccessories in connection therewith, but not including buildings, reasonably necessary for the furnishing ofadequate service of such public utilities or borough departments or commissions or for the public health orsafety or general welfare.“Family” means any number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit.“Fence height” means the vertical distance between the ground directly under the fence and the highest pointof the fence.“Flood management area” means those areas designated and depicted as “special flood hazard areas” and“other flood areas” on the official flood insurance rate map (FIRM) of the city of Ketchikan, Alaska, datedApril 16, 1990, prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which flood insurance rate map,and the flood insurance study, are on file in the office of the borough clerk as document No. 90-14 and in theborough department of planning and community development, 1900 First Avenue, Ketchikan, Alaska 99901,and are available for public inspection and copying and are incorporated herein by reference thereto.“Floodway” means the channel of watercourse and those portions of adjoining floodplains which are reasonablyrequired to carry and discharge the main body of water within the flood management area, both withinthe city of Ketchikan and other areas of the borough.“Floor area” means the total of each floor of a building within the surrounding outer walls but excluding ventshafts, courts, stairways and elevators.“Floor, ground” means the floor of a building at or nearest the adjacent street, and which is accessible directlyfrom a front yard. On commercially zoned properties with multiple front yards on sloping sites with streetentrances at more than one (1) level, each floor accessible at street level shall be considered a ground floor.“Front building line” means a line parallel to the front lot line of the lot on which a building is located, that isdrawn through the point or vertical face of the building at grade level which is located nearest to the front lotline.“Frontage” means the lot width measured along the property line adjacent to the street right-of-way.“Fuel storage and distribution facility” means an area where flammable or combustible liquids are received bytank vessel, pipeline, tank car, or tank vehicle and are stored or blended in bulk for the purpose of distributingsuch liquids by tank vessel, pipeline, tank car, tank vehicle, portable tank, or container.18-8

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