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17.05.020 GENERAL PROVISIONS AND REQUIREMENTS(d)(e)(f)No subdivision of land shall be made, and no land in any subdivision shall be sold or offered for sale, until aplat of subdivision, prepared in accordance with the requirements of this title and state law, has been approvedby the planning commission serving as the platting authority and has been filed in the office of the staterecorder, Ketchikan Recording District.This title shall be known as the “Subdivision Ordinance,” and may be cited as such.All existing provisions, sections, subsections, paragraphs, and other divisions of this title that refer to “plattingboard” hereafter shall mean “planning commission.” [Ord. No. 1068, §1, 6-15-98; Ord. No. 350, §1, 4-7-80.Code 1974 §55.10.005.]17.05.020 Definitions.For purposes of this title the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the following meanings:“Abbreviated plat” means any minor subdivision of a single tract into four or fewer lots that does not require extensionof utilities or platting of rights-of-way.“Block” means a tract of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroads,rights-of-way, shorelines of waterways, or boundary lines of municipalities.“Board” means the Ketchikan Gateway Borough planning commission serving as the platting authority.“Bond” means a form of surety bond in such amount and form as required and permitted by this title.“Borough” means the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska.“Borough clerk” means that person appointed to keep a record of the actions of the borough assembly.“Borough engineer” or “engineer of the borough” means a professional engineer licensed to practice within the stateof Alaska and designated by the borough manager.“Borough planning and zoning clerk” means an employee of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough whose duties includekeeping a record of the actions of the planning commission serving as the platting authority and planning commission.“Buffer yard” means a unit of land, together with a specified type and amount of planting thereon, and any fences,walls or berms which may be required by the planning commission serving as the platting authority to minimizeconflicts between a cluster subdivision and adjoining property.“City engineer” or “engineer of the city” means a professional engineer licensed to practice within the state ofAlaska and designated by the city manager.“Commission” means the Ketchikan Gateway Borough planning and zoning commission.“Comprehensive plan” means that document of text, charts, graphics or maps or any combination thereof designedto portray general long-range proposals and policies regarding the arrangement of land uses which is intended primarilyto guide governmental policy toward achievement of orderly and coordinated development of the entirecommunity, provided such document is adopted by ordinance by the legislative body and including any part of suchplan separately adopted and any amendment to such plan or parts thereof.“Corner lot” means a lot located at the intersection of two (2) or more access rights-of-way or easements.“Dedication” means the deliberate appropriation of land by an owner for any public use, reserving to himself noother rights than such as are compatible with the full exercise and enjoyment of the public uses to which the propertyhas been devoted. The intention of the owner to dedicate such property shall be evidenced by the submission of afinal plat showing the dedication thereon, and as provided in AS Title 40.17-4

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