Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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120 FISH HATCHERY MANAGEMENTTABLE I6. THE SIZE OF SALMoNID FRY AT INITIAL FEEDING, BASED oN'fHE SIZE oFTHE EYED EGG LISTED AND THE CORRESPONDING WEIGHT PER l.OOO FRY,INI'TIAL f!]EDINGINI'I'IAL !'I,I,DINCEYED f]GCWEICH'T PEREYED ECCWEIGHT PER(NUMBERPER OUNCE]1,000 FRY(POUNDS)t-I]NG'IH(r N- c rr us)(N.UM tsI]RPER OUNCE]I,(}(X) FRYIPOLINDS]LEN(]THltNcrHESl200210220230240250260270280290300310:t203303403503603703U039040041042043i)4404500.530.500.,1u0.460.4+0.420.400.390.3ri0.360.350.3,10.330.320.310.300.290.2r10.2u0.]0.960.960.950.940.930.920.910.900.890.tr80.u80.870.u60.u50.u40.840.u3.1604704U04905005105205305405505605705tJ05906006106206306,t06506606706806907000. l90.190. l80.1lt0.1lJ0.1tt0.t70. l70.t70. 1(;0. 1(i0. l60. l60. l50. 150.150.1]30.820.u 10.u l0.u00.750.790.790.7r.t0.7ti0.750.770.770.760.760.750.7 +0.t- 10.740.7 +0.730.730.730.720.72Column 5: Record the total number of fish shipped from the lot for thecurrent month.Column 6: Record the total weight of the fish shipped during the currentmonth.Column 7: Record the total number of fish added to the lot in thecurrent month.Column 8: Record the total weieht of the fish added to the lot in thecurrent month.Column 9: Record the gain in weight for the current month. This is equalto Column 2 (this month) - Column 2 (last month) * Column 6 - Column8.Column /0: Record total weight gain to date. This is equal to Column l0(last month) * Column 9 (this month).

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