Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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484 FISH HA.TCHERY MANAGEMENTHematomaA tumor-like enlargement in the tissue caused by bloodescaping the vascular system.Hematopoiesis The formation of blood or blood cells in the livingbody. The major hematopoietic tissue in fish is located in the anteriorkidney. Synonym: hemapoiesis.Hematopoietic Kidney The anterior portion of the kidney ("head kidney")involved in the production of blood cells.HemoglobinThe respiratory pigment of red blood cells that takes upoxygen at the gills or lungs and releases it at the tissues.Hemorrhage An escape of blood from its vessels, through either intactor ruptured walls.Hepatic Pertaining to the liver.HepatitisHepatomaInflammation of the liver.A tumor with cells resembling those of liver; includes anytumor of the liver. Hepatoma is associated with mold toxins in feedeaten by cultured fishes. The toxin having the greatest affect on fishesis aflatoxin Br , from Aspergillus flaaus.Heterotrophic Bacteria Bacteria that oxidize organic material (carbohydrate,protein, fats) to CO2, NH{-N,source.HistologyMicroscopic study of cells, tissues, and organs.and water for their energyHistopathology The study of microscopically visible changes indiseased tissues.Homing Return of fish to their stream or lake of origin to sPawn.Ilormone A chemical product of living cells affecting organs that do notsecrete it.HRM See Enteric Redmouth Disease.Hyamine ,See Quaternary Ammonium Compounds.Hybrid Progeny resulting from a cross between parents that are geneticallyunlike.Hybrid Vigor Condition in which the offspring perform better than theparents. Synonym: heterosis.Hydrogen Ion Concentration (Activity) The cause of acidity in water.See pH.Hydrogen Sulfide An odorous, soluble gas, H2S, resulting liom anaerobicdecomposition of sulfur-containing compounds, especially proteins.Hyoid BonesBones in the floor of the mouth supporting the tongue.Hyper- A prefix denoting excessive, above normal, or situated above.Hyperemia Increased blood resulting in distension of the blood vessels.Hypo-A prefix denoting deficiency, lack, below, beneath.IchA protozoan disease caused by the ciliate lchthyophtherius multifilis;"white-spot disease."

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