Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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Crayfish, problem in ponds 114Density lndex 7l-74Diseasesbacterial: columnaris 302-303; enteric redmouth (EnU)306-308; fin rot 304; furunculosis 304-306; bacterial kidneydisease 312-313; motile aeromona septicemia (MAS)307-310; peduncle disease 303-304; vibriosis 310-3llcertification 293control 263- 265environmental: blue sac 268; coagulated yolk (white-spot)268; gas bubble disease 9fungal 3 l4-3 l5immunization 286-288inspections 292-293leaflets 342-344nutritional 390-393parasitic: Ambiphrya \Sclphidia) 321, 323 Argulus 334; Ceratomlxa326-327; Chilodonella 319; Cleidodiscus 330, 332; Dactylogltrus330; Epistylis 319-322; Gyrodactylus 330-33 l; Hennegula324-326; Hexamita 323-324; Ichtyobodo \Costia)315-3 l6; Ichthlophthirrus 316-319; Lernaea 334; Ple*tophora328-329; Sanguinicola 332-333; Trichodina 320-321 ; Trichophrya322-323recognition 264-265regulations 289-292resistance 286-287treatment 266-270; constant-flow 272, 403; drug coating, pellets405; feeding, injection 273; flush 272; prolonged bath27t,402-403vaccination 288-289viral: channel catfish virus disease (CCV) 267,298; herpesvirusdisease of salmonids 298-299; infectious hematopoieticnecrosis (IgN) ZOZ, 296-297; infectious pancreaticnecrosis (IPN) 2S+; lymphocystis disease 299-300; viralhemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) 295-296Dissolved gas criteria 10Drugs and chemicalsdosages and characteristics: acriflavin 281-282; calciumhydroxide 282; copper sulfate 276-277; de-z-butyl tinoxide 282; formalin 275-276; iodophores 282; Masoten282-283; nitrofurans 280-281; potassium permanganate277-278; quaternary ammonium compounds 278-279; salt275; sulfonamides 281; Terramycin 279-280

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