Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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HA',fCHI..l{y RI.tqUInEN,tI,tN I Si.i9Teer-E 4. coNTrNUEnITEMIIA fCHER\sY \'1tlot,CRII't,RIN<strong>Hatchery</strong> buildingsL'reu roomGarage and storageShopbuildingOil and paintstorageFertilizer andchemicalstorage\continued)'t'c'fTtTCCw Room should provide lockcr space for eachemployee, and be adequate to serve as alunch room. Shower facilitics should be provided.Size of building or buildings is dependentupon the number of truck stalls requiredand the amount of material to be stored.Concrete floors should be broom finish witha I" in l0'slope to doors.Minimum of 300 square feet, floor l" in l0'slope to door or ccnter drain. Provide heatingand electrical systems to satisfy requirements,including 220-volt outlets; ovcrheaddoor should be at least l0 feet wide and l)feet high. Build in cabinets for tool storageand adequate work bench area.Provide a separate building, or materials maybe stored in another building if a specialroom rated for a 2-hour fire, with outsideaccess, is provided. The electrical installationshould be explosion, proof. Provideheat if storage of water base paints is contemplated.Explosion proof electrical fittings and positiveventiliation must be provided,Egg IncubationIncubation equipment is being modified constantly and several differenttypes are available commercially. There are basically two concepts for theincubation of fish eggs. One method involves the use of wire baskets orrectangular trays suspended in existing hatchery troughs to support theeggs. The hatched fry drop through the wire mesh bottom of the basket ortray to the bottom of the trough. This method does not require additionalbuilding space because existing facilities are utilized. Other methods of eggincubation are jar culture or vertical tray incubation. Additional space inthe hatchery building is required for this equipment. Control of water temperatureshould be part of any hatchery design involving egg incubationand hatching of fry. Heating or chilling of water for optimum incubation

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