Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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280 FISH HATCHERY MANAGEMENTIf it is desirable to administer Terramycin orally for the treatment of systemicbacterial diseases of catfish, it should be fed at 2.5-3.5 grams activeper 100 pounds of fish per day for 7-10 days. If the fish are being fed approximately3% of their body weight daily, it is necessary to incorporate83.3-116.7 grams of active Terramycin per 100 pounds of food. Under nocircumstances should the treatment time be less than 7 days; l0 days isrecommended.For the treatment of furunculosis and other systemic bacterial diseases ofsalmonids, Terramycin should be fed at the rate of 4 grams active in.gredient per 100 pounds of fish per day for l0 days.Occasionally, it may be necessary to add Terramycin to small amounts offood. This may be done by mixing an appropriate amount of TM-50,TM-50D, or Terramycin Soluble Powder in a gelatin solution (40 gramsgelatin to I quart of warm water) and spraying it over the daily food ration.The water-soluble powder concentrate of rerramycin is the easiestform with which to work. This form may be purchased in 4-ouncepreweighed packages, each of which contains 25.6 grams of antibiotic. Asmuch as two packages of this form may be dissolved in I quart of warmgelatin solution.If fry or small fingerlings must be treated, it is possible to combine Ipound of fresh beef liver (run through a blender), I pound of meal-typefeed, 2 raw eggs, and 2.5 grams of active Terramycin into a dough-likeconsistency. Refrigerate and feed as needed.NITROFURANSNitrofuransare not registered by the Food and Drug Administration.Furazolidone (NF-180, Furox-50) and nitrofururone (Frrracin) are closelyrelated compounds that have been widely used to treat bacterial infectionsin warm- and cold-blooded animals. They are available in several differentformulations, but the most common contain either ll% or 4.5g0/o activeingredient (49.9 grams active ingredient per pound of formulation).Furazolidone effectively treats furunculosis and redmouth disease in salmonids,particularly if these pathogens have developed a resistance to Terramycinor sulfonamides. It is fed at the rate of 2.s-4.5 grams activeingredient per 100 pounds of fish per day for l0 days. However, a slightlydifferent method has been used by some workers who feed at the rate of2.5 grams active ingredient per 100 pounds of fish for 3 days, followed by a20'day course of 1.0 gram active ingredient per 100 pounds of fish. Becausefurazolidone breaks down rapidly in wet (meat or fish) diets, it should befed in a dry pelleted feed or mixed fresh for each feedins if a wet diet mustbe used.

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