Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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52 FrsH HATcIIERy MANAcEMENT'Tast.e 6. suMMARY ()F Rt ARtNc uNlt CHARAC I.uRIsl.tcs toR !tsn ltAt cHI.tRllrs,I'\'P!,\\':\'l l.R SL PPI,\ I ( ) I'( ,ti R \ I'll \Oircular tanLs and pond.;Various sizes available Pump or high-prcssure Lt,r,el or slopec:in a variety of materi-qravity; low flowals. Can be uscd forvolurre.small or laree groupsof fish.Retla ngu lar rtrru ln I io n rear i ng fon d sF'airly rcstricted to one Same as;rbovc. Samc as abovrsize; used extcnsivelywithlarge groups ol'production fish.Sudi.sh pondsVarious sizcs; used for Same as above. Same as abovesmall or large urou psof fish. Larger unitsmade ol concretc.Reclansular lanks and rarcu,a.l'sSmall t.nks made with a High- or kru pressurc Slrpc prelcrrecl 1irrvariety ol materials; sravity i high flou reaeration ol \!.aterused for srnall or large volumc prefcrred. betwccn units.groups of fish. Racewaysgcnerally madcol concrete for largegroups of productionfish.f,arthen fiandsGenerally for large High or krw prcssure l,erel preferred. Lionsiclgroups of production gravity; high or lorv t,rable arca ol lanclfish. flow volu mc. req u ire d.(.t1, rullut, dild fu tt tttttril\Various net matcrials; Lake or pond with somc llrotectccl shorrlint.can be built in various current or protectcdsizes. Cenerally coastal or strearn lirca.smaller units thanraccsays or ponds.

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