Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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FISH HEALTH MANAGEMENT 347Pluur, J. A. 1972. Channel catfish virus disease in southerr' United States. Proceeding of theAnnual Conference Southeastern Association of Game and <strong>Fish</strong> Commissioners25:489-493.Purz,-. 1972. Effects of temperature on mortality of fingerling channel catfish (Ictalurus lunctatus)experimentally infected with channel catfish virus. Journal of the <strong>Fish</strong>eries ResearchBoard of Canada 30(4):568-570., EDIToR. 1979. Principal diseases of farm-raised catfish. Southern Cooperative SeriesNumber 225.R. R., G. L. Hornrr.tet, and C. E. DuNBAR. 1965. Two new species of Plistophora (Microsporidea)from North American fish with a synopsis of Microsporidea of freshwaterand euryhaline fishes. Journal of Protozoology l2l2):228 236.RErcHrNsecH-KLTNKE, HEINz-HERMANN, and E. ElrlN.vertebrates. Academic Press, New York. 600 p.1965. The principal diseases of lowerRocK, L. F., and H. M. NELsoN. 1965. Channel catfish and gizzard shad mortality caused byAeromonas liquefaciens Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 27(3) :138-141.S,tNorns, J. E., and J. L. FRYER. 1980. Renibacterium salmoninarum gen. nov., sp. nov., thecausative agent of bacterial kidney disease in salmonid fishes. International Journal ofSystematic Bacteriology 30:496-502.Strltru, L. S., and G. R. BELL. 1975. A practical guide to the anatomy and physiology ofSNIrszxo,Pacific salmon. Canada Department of <strong>Fish</strong>eries and Oceans Miscellaneous SpecialPublication 27.S. F. 1973. Recent advances in scientific knowledge and developments pertaining todiseases of fishes. Advances in Veterinary Science and Comparative Medicine17:291-314.editor. 1970. A symposium on diseases of fishes and shellfishes. American<strong>Fish</strong>eries SocietySpecial Publication 5.525 p.Suluurnrrlr, R. C. 1964. A new microsporidian parasite from the golden shiner, Notemigonuserysoleucas- Transactions of the American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Society 93(1):6-10.VEGINA, R., and R. Drsnocsnns.1971. Incidence of Aeromonas hldrophila in the perch, Percaflauescens Mitchell. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 17: 1 101-l 1 I 4.WEDEMEvER, G. A. 1970. The role of stress in the disease resistance of fishes. Amercian<strong>Fish</strong>eries Society Special Publication5:3(F34.F. P. MEYER, and L. Slrtru. 1976. Environmental stress and fish diseases. T.F.H. Publications,Nepturn City, New Jersey. 192 p.and J. W. WooD.1974. Stress as a predisposing factor in fish diseases. US <strong>Fish</strong> andWildlife Sewice, <strong>Fish</strong> Disease Leaflet 38. 8 p.WELLBoRN, THoMAS L. 1967. Trichodina (Ciliutu' Urceolariidae) of freshwater fishes of thesoutheastern United States. Journal of Protozoology l4(3):399-412.1979. Control and therapy. Pages 61-85 lz Principal diseases of farm-raised catfish.Southern Cooperative Series Number 225.and WILUEn A. RocERS. 1966. A key to the common parasitic protozoans of NorthAmerican fishes. Zoology-Entomology Department Series, <strong>Fish</strong>eries No. 4, AgriculturalExperimental Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. 17 p. (mimeo.)Wooo, J. W. 1974. Diseases of Pacific salmon: their prevention and treatment,2nd edition.Washington Department of <strong>Fish</strong>eries, Seattle.

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