Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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BROODSIOCK, SPAWN*lNG, AND EGG HANDLING 201BrsH()p, R. D. 1975. The use of circular tanks for spawning striped bass (Morane saxati!is).Proceedings of the AnnualCommissioners 2u:1.)5 -1.1.Confercnce Southeastern Association of Game and <strong>Fish</strong>BI-t.rsz, JoHx. l1)52. Propagation of largcmouth black bass and bluegill sunfish in federalhatcherics of thc southeast. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong> Culturist l{(2):t,l (;l'.B()NN, Flr)\\'ARI) W., WILr-r.\Nt M. BArLE\, J.lct< D. Brt't.l:ss, KIN{ E. ERICKSoI, and RoBl.Rl'E. Srrvrxs. l1)7(i. Guidclines for striped bass culture. Striped Bass Committee, SouthernDivision, American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Socicty, Bethesda, Maryland. 103 p.BTtANN()N, E. L. 11Xj5. l'he influence oI physical factors on the devclopment and rveiqht ofsockeye salmon embryos and alevins. International I'acific Salmon Iisheries CommissionProgress Report I2, New Westminster, British Colurnbia, Canada.25 p.BR^scHLHR, U. W. 11)7ir. Development of pond culture tcchniques for striped bass (,lloroncsaxatilis) (Walbaum). Proceedinqs of thc Annual Conference Southeastern Associalionof Game <strong>Fish</strong> Cornmissioners 2ll: 1,1 ,!u.Bn.,rurm, .f,rrlES L. 11)71. l'all spawnin{ of channel catfis}r. Proqrcssivc <strong>Fish</strong>'Culturist3:](3):150 152.-. 1972. A suggested method for sexing bluegills. Progrcssive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist l|-1(l):17.BR\^N, R()tsERt I)., and Kt:xNt.:ttt C). At.t.t,;x. l1)(i1). Pond culture of channel catfish finqerlirrqs. l'roqressive Fislr-('ulturist :i I'l\:.tit l.l.BLJRR()['s, RoctRL. l1)-11). Recommended methods for fertilization, transportation, and careof salmon esgs. Progrcssirc <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist l l(.1):l7l l7U.1!)5I . A method for enumeration ol salmon and trou t eggs by displacerrcnt. l)rogressive<strong>Fish</strong>.( ulturisr I.l(l);2,l .ltr.-. 1951. An cvaluation of methods of egg enurreration. Progressive fish Culturist1:|(2):71) us.l1)(i0. Holding ponds for adult salmon. US <strong>Fish</strong> and Wildife Servicc Special ScientificRt-port-<strong>Fish</strong>eries 1357. llj p.and D-rt'rt.r D. PALNu,n. 11)55. A vcrtical egg and fry incubator. I)rogrcssive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist l7 (4) :1.17 l5r.and H. Wtt.t.r,qNr Nl,rrr'NrAN. 1952. Effects of injected pituitar) material uponthe spauning of blueback salmon. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-C'ulturist I l(il):l l3 I lr'.Bt ss, Kt.:l:x. l1)51). Jar culture of trout eggs. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong> Culturist 2l(l):21; 2!1.and Kt:ttxt.:tlt G. C()R1.. llXj(i. The viability of trout germ cells immersed in watcr.Progressive Fi.h-Culturist 2ltlJ):lJ2 Ii3.and HOn.rnD Fox. l1)(;1. Modilications for the jar culture of trout eggs. Progrcssive<strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 23(:l): 1,12 14,1.and l)rxON W'\rit,.l{Xil. Research units lbr egg incubation and fingerling rearing infish hatcheries and laboratories. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong> Culturist 2ll(21;tlll 13(i.and J,lrvrr,:s E. WRrcH t. l1)57. Appearance and fertility of trout hybrids. Transa( tir)nsof the American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Societv fi7: 172 I U l .C,qxrrllo,-, and-. l1)5(i. Results of species hybridization within the family Salmonidae. I'rogressire<strong>Fish</strong> Crrlturist lt'{11':l lll 1.i8.H. L. l1),17. Artilicial propagation of those channel cats. I'rogressivt'<strong>Fish</strong> Culturist1)(l):27 30.Cenr.s11r, AxlHoxv lL. l1)73. Induced spawning of largcnrouth bass (Micropterus salnoide.r).Transactions of the American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Society 102 (2):1'12 -1'11CAR.r.ER, Rar R., and Ar.r.l:N Fl. 'l'lt()NlAS. l1)77. Spawning of channcl catfish in tanks. Progrcssive<strong>Fish</strong>-('ulturisr't!(l): lll.cH_lsr,rrr-, G. A., and J. R. SN()$'. ll)(i(i. Nylon mats as spawning sites for largemouth bass,Micropterus salmoides. Proceedinqs of the Annual Conference Southeastern Associationof Game and <strong>Fish</strong> Commissioners l1):'105 'l0tJ.

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