Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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338 FISH HATCHERY MANAGEMENTI 2. B()l)\' St.Rt'A(ll'.-(lontinued:/Pi'poi.t pi,rplc, ! (lvsts n /l'inpoi't spots: lhite ! t'r black n,/l,arasircs: r'erv small, barcll visible, sofi E or longer, harcl fl (oftcn rrith srvallolltailaPPearance)/Irish abtrqrrnullv rlark: cntire br>dr'! r'ertain bocir ,r"u, fl Indicatc whcrc-(]r.r'th n or \\'arts I I.rcstrlar n prolifcrating fl u" "ttfot"n13. IrINS-Na !protrttdine froln: \'ent n nostrils nm()uth n eills flcol.r: fish b,,dr n ."d n bla'k flN.rnral E S*.llen n Necrotic ! !-r,r,ed!Bluish-whitc ! l'*istecl n Flroded !/Spots prescnt: ,uhitc! black n /Bl.ocl-s5ot n Parasitc present nl+. CAtrl),\I- Pl.I)LrN(,1.}.-Na !Sliehrlv Srgollcn E llluish-\\'tritc E Necrotic !\'".r S*.,11.,r n lultsus-like tulis prcsent n Inflarncd n15. (;ll.l-S-Na floovcrs opcn ..,rr" n Su'ollcn n Covercd with mucus, trthan norntallr'P:rtchcs: rvhite E br.rrrrt n g.or' n(ilr t.xANIINI..D (rNI)!lR \1I(IROS(]()PF-)food and dirt particlesFilarncnts ancl I-anrcllae: Swollen fl fused E club-shapcd Eballooned n(l()ttonv tufis present flSrnall gralish-whitc otriects: on filarncnts ! on lamcllae n(iolor o{ gills: dcep red n pale rcd Ihernorrhagic n16. NII-1S(ltrLA'l-trR!--Na Ebctween filaments fl benteen lamellae !Pale Pink nS,,res n or Iiuruncles ! fillcd uith..,d p,,,, n Srnall red,p.',t E.,,rcr fl1\\'tll detinctl ] ,,r filled with .r""-t n .,. .h".,r' fl contents{ .t.,. nHarrl cvsts likc sand grains: srnall nla.g" flblack nor 1'ellw flFrcun n 106.Continued.

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