Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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200 F'rsH HA'rcHERy MANAcEMENTsimilar to hatchery trays but are much larger. The raceways are filled withwater, eggs are placed in the trays, and the hatched fry are allowed to exitinto rearing ponds at their own volition.BibliographyAl.DF.Rr)rcE, D. I'., W. P. Wtcxlrr', and J. R. BR[.lt. l1)5U. Some effects of tcmporar,v exposureto low dissolved oxygen levels on Pacific salrron eugs. Journal of the <strong>Fish</strong>eriesResearr h Board of Crnada l5(2);22! 2 l$.Ar.t.B.\t'cH, Clvnr- A., and Jtnnv V. M.,lxz. l1)(i.1. Prelininary study of thc effects of temperature fluctuations on developing walleye cggs and frv. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist26('r):175- ltlO.At.t-lsol,t, Ltox.q.nl N. l1)51. Delay of spau,ninq in eastern brook trout bl rncans of artiliciallyprolonged light intervals. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist l.i(3):l I I I lr,.l1)61. 'l'he effect of tricaine mcthanesulfonate (MS 222) on the motilitt of brook troutsperm. Prou,ressivt' Fi'h-Culttrrrsr 2 l/l\:lt'AMEND, Drtl,t.,u-D F. 1974. Comparative toxicit] of trvo iodophors to rainbos trout eggs.1l{.Transactions of the Amcrican <strong>Fish</strong>eries Societv l{r.J(ll:7r 7x.ANt)LRSON, Rtctt,rno O. M(i.1. A sugar-flotation method of picking trout eggs. ProgressiveAnonymous.<strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 2(i(3):12,1 l2(j.l1).rr I . Plastic hatching box for stocking trout and salmon.Culturist I l] (41 :22u.Progressive Fislr-. l!)5.1. Char spau'ning in observation tank in Swedish laborirtorl. I'rogressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 1(i(2) :51).. ll)511. Bentonite and largemouth bass eges. I'rogressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist l7(l):11).l1)67. Temperatures lbr hatching walleye eggs. Proqressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 21)(l);20ARNTBRLTsTER, [)e.Ntr:t.. llXi(i. Hybridizationof thc chain pickerel and northern pikc. I)rogrcssive<strong>Fish</strong>-L'ulturist 2i{(2):7{' 78.BAIt.E\', JAcrK E. l1)(i.1. Russian theories on the inferior quality of hatchery reared churr salmonfr;. Progrersive Iish Culturirt 2{"t:l:1{1.and Wtlll.q.lt R. Hlenu. l1)73. An irnproved incubator for salmonids and results ofpreliminary tests of its use. National Occanic and Atmospheric AdministrationI cchnicalMemorandum,Number l. 7 p.National Marine l'isheries Service, Auke Bay l'isherl Laboratory,JER()N{E J. P[.1.1.A, and SInxt.:t G. Tslt.ott. l!)76. ]']roduction of fry and adults of thel1)72 brood of pink salmon, Oncarhlnchus gorbuvha, from gravel incubators and naturalsparvning at Auke Creek, Alaska.7,1(,1):lXil 1)71.National Marinc <strong>Fish</strong>eries Service <strong>Fish</strong>ery'Bulletinand StDNI:t G. TAYt-()R. l!)7.1. Plastic turf substitute for gravel in salnon incubators.National Marine <strong>Fish</strong>eries Service Marine l'isheries Rer ieu tl;(l{)) : tiBexrs, Jot: L. 197r. Methods ol handling and transporting green fall chinook eggs. I'roceedingsof the 2(ith Annual Northwest <strong>Fish</strong> Culture Conlerence, I)t'cembcr l3 i. l7{i p.BARnur'r', L I{)51. Fertility of salmonid eggs and spcrm after storage. .fournal of the <strong>Fish</strong>ericsResearch Boirrd of tanada t{(.t):l2i l:\3.Bett.rss, J.rcx D. l1)72. Artificial propacation and hybridization of striped bass, liorrzs sa.ralr1is.South Carolina WildlifeCarolina. 135 p.Bl:rr l:n, .JoHx A., KER\II'r' E. Sxlrn,and Marine Resources l)eparturcnt, Columbia, Southand H,\RR\ K. I)t lnr.:r:. llXj(i. I hc dilfcrcncc iD qrowthof male and female channel catfish in hatcherv ponds.2u (l ) :17 ir0.lx.Proqressive <strong>Fish</strong> Culturist

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