Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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GLOSSARY48IFixativeA chemical agent chosen to penetrate tissues very soon afterdeath and preserve the cellular components in an insoluble state asnearly life-like as possible.Flagellum (plural: Flagella) Whip-like locomotion organelle of single(usually free-living) cells.FlashingQuick turning movements of fish, especially when fish areannoyed by external parasites, causing a momentary reflection of lightfrom their sides and bellies. when flashing, fish often scrape themselvesagainst objects to rid themselves of the parasites.Flow rndex The relationship of fish size to water inflow (flow rate) of arearing unit; calculated by the formula:Flow Index : (fish weight) - (firn length x water inflow).Flow rate The volume of water moving past a given point in a unit oftime, usually expressed as cubic feet per second (cfs) or gallons perminute (Sp-).Flush A short bath in which the flow of water is not stopped, but a highconcentration of chemical is added at the inlet and passed through thesystem as a pulse.Folic Acid (Folacin) A vitamin of the B complex that is necessary formaturation of red blood cells and synthesis of nucleoproteins; deficiencyresults in anemia.Fomites Inanimate objects (brushes, or dipnets) that may be contaminatedwith and transmit infectious organisms. Sea Vector.Food Conversion A ratio of food intake to body weight gain; more gen_erally, the total weight of all feed given to a lot of fish divided by thetotal weight gain of the fish lot. The units of weight and the timeinterval over which they are measured must be the same. The betterthe conversion, the lower the ratio.Fork Length The distance from the tip of the snout to the fork of thecaudal fin.Forrnalin solution of approximately 87% by weight of formaldehyde gasin water. Effective in the control of external parasites and fungal infectionson fish and eggs. Also used as a tissue fixative.Formulated Feed A combination of ingredients that provides specificamounts of nutrients per weight of feed.Fortification Addition of nutrients to foods.Free Living Not dependent on a host organism.Fresh Water Water containing less than 0.05% total dissolved salts byweight.Fty The stage in a fish's life from the time it hatches until it reaches Iinch in length.Fu4gus Any of a group of primitive plants lacking chlorophyll, includingmolds, rusts, mildews, smuts, and mushrooms. Some kinds areparasitic on fishes.

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