Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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NUTRITIONAL DISEASES AND DIETS 397'IasLE F-5.Molsl sALMoN I'EEDS I-}EVEI,OPED BY OREGON STATE UNIVERSII'Y ANDoRIiGoN DF]PAR'| MEN'I OIWF,IGHl'.!ISH AND WTLDLII'!]. VALTJES ART PRECL,N'I' OF FEED BYIN(iRI]I)II.]N I()Rl.GONS I'AR'I'[,RNIASHoM3oREGONS I'AR I'ERPELLE'I'oP2Meal mixHerrins meald"a<strong>Fish</strong> meal"Whcat germ mealWhey, dehydratedCottonseed mcal, dehulled'Shrimp or c.ab -.'aldCorn distiller's dried solublesVitamin prcmix'Wet mixII una vls('era"Turbot, salmon viscera, hcrringsWet fishnltJHerring oil'Choline chloridc (liquid, 70", product)l0l0l0l01.5100.5'2\)it74J1.530(i.00.5oMinimum'H".rirg70'lir orotein: maximum 3'li, NaCl.meal (minimum 70'li protein; maximum 3'll' NaCl) must be used as 100')1, of thefish meal in each batch rf-+-, + -, and -inch fpellets, and at no less than 509i of the fishmeal in each batch of large pellets. Hake (minimum 68(li' protein), anchovy (domestic orPeruvian, minimum65'li' protein), or menhaden (minimum 60(){r protein) may be used as theremaining portion of the fish meal for larger pellets, provided the total fish meal is increasedto 30'ti, of the diet (31')i' if menhaden us used).'Prepress solvent-extracted; minimum 48.5'li, protein; maximum 0.055'lo free gossypol.dMaximum3'i" NaCl; minimum25'lir protein (not counted as fish meal in protein calculations).'See Table F-tl, Oregon salmon premix./Noheads or gills; with livers, pasteurized.8'Turbot, pasteurized salmon viscera (no heads or gills), or pasteurized herring.al-i-it"dto tuna viscera, herring, "bottom fish" (whole or fillet scrap), salmon viscera, dogfish,and hake, with the following provisions: (l) two or more must be used in combination,with no one exceeding l5'io of the total diet; (2) j - and j-inchpellets shall contain at least7.5(li, tuna viscera, but no fillet scrap.'stabilizedwith 0.3('l1' BHA-BHT (l:l); less than 3.0')i, free fatty acids, and not alkalinereprocessed.

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