Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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GLOSSARY 497SpermatozoonA male reproductive cell, consisting usually of head,middle piece, and locomotory flagellum.Spinal CordSpinesThe cylindrical structure within the spinal canal, a part ofthe central nervous system.Spiny RaysSpleenUnsegmented rays, commonly hard and pointed.Stiff or noncross-striated fin rays.The site of red blood cell, thrombocyte, lymphocyte, and granulocyteproduction.Sporadic Diseasea single case.A disease that occurs only occasionally and usually asStabilization Pond A simple waste-water treatment facility in whichorganic matter is oxidized and stabilized (converted to inert residue).Standard Length The distance from the most anterior portion of thebody to the junction of the caudal peduncle and anal fin.Standard Metabolic Rate The metabolic rate of poikilothermic animalsunder conditions of minimum activity, measured per unit time andbody weight at a particular temperature. Close to basal metabolic rate,but animals rarely are at complete rest. ,Sae Basal Metabolism.Sterilant An agent that kills all microorganisms.SterilizeStockobject.StomachStrainsStressStressorSubacuteTo destroy all microorganisms and their spores in or about anGroup of fish that share a common environment and gene pool.The expansion of the alimentary tract between the esophagousand the pyloric valve.Group of fish with presumed common ancestry.A state manifested by a syndrome or bodily change caused by someforce, condition, or circumstance (i.e., by a stressor) in or on an organismor on one of its physiological or anatomical systems. Any condition thatforces an organism to expend more energy to maintain stability.Any stimulus, or succession of stimuli, that tends to disrupt thenormal stability of an animal.SulfadimethoxineNot lethal; between acute and chronic.pathogens of fishes.Sulfonamide drug effective against certain bacterialSulfaguanidine Sulfonamide drug used in combination with sulfamerazineto control certain bacterial pathogens of fishes.Sulfamerazinepathogens of fish.Sulfonamide drug effective against certain bacterialSulfamethazine (Sulmet) Sulfonamide drug effective against certainbacterial pathogens of fishes.Sulfate Any salt of sulfuric acid; any salt containing the radical SOf .Sulfisoxasole (Gantrisin) Sulfonamide drug effective against certainbacterial pathogens of fishes.

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