Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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GLOSSARY 479EctodermThe outer layer of cells in an embryo that gives rise to variousorgans.EctoparasiteEdemaEfficacyParasite that lives on the surface of the host.Excessive accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces.Ability to produce effects or intended results.Effluent The discharge from a rearing facility, treatment plant, orindustry.Egg The mature female germ cell, ovum.Egtved Disease Saa Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia.Emaciation Wasting of the body.Emarginate Fin Fin with the margin containing a shallow notch, as inEmbolithe caudal fin of the rock bass.Abnormal materials carried by the blood stream, such as bloodclots, air bubbles, cancers or other tissue cells, fat, clumps of bacteria,or foreign bodies, until they lodge in a blood vessel and obstruct it.Embryo Developing organism before it is hatched or born.Endocrine A ductless gland or the hormone produced thereiu.Endoparasite A parasite that lives in the host.Endoskeleton The skeleton proper; the inner bony and cartilaginousframework.Energy Capacity to do work.Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM) A disease, primarily of salmonids,Enteritischaracterized by general bacteremia. Caused by an enteric bacterium,Tersinia ruckeri. Synonym: Hagerman redmouth disease.EnvironmentAny inflammation of the intestinal tract.The sum total of the external conditions that affectgrowth and development of an organism.EnzooticEnzymeEnvironmental Gill Disease Hyperplasia of gill tissue caused by presenceof a pollutant in the water that is a gill irritant. Sea Bacterial GillDisease.A disease that is present in an animal population at all timesbut occurs in few individuals at any given time.A protein that catalyzes biochemical reactions in living organisms.EpidermisEpizooticThe outer layer of the skin.A disease attacking many animals in a population at the sametime; widely diffused and rapidly spreading.EpizootiologyThe study of epizootics; the field of science dealing withrelationships of various factors that determine the frequencies and distributionsof diseases among animals.EradicationERMfrom the environment.Removal of all recognizable units of an infecting agent,Saa Enteric Redmouth Disease.

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