Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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BROODS'I'OCK, SPAWNING, AND EGG HANDLING 205OlsoN, P. A., and R. F. FosrER. 1955. Temperature tolerance of eggs and young of ColumbiaRiver chinook salmon. Transactions of the American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Society tl5:201]-207.OsEID, DoNAV()N M., and LLoYD L. Svt't'u, Jr. 1971. Survival and hatching of walleye eggsat various dissolved oxygen levels. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 33(2)Ul u5PAl.r'rER, DAVrr) D., RocER E. BuRROws, O. H. Rosr:nrs()N, and H. Wtlll,qvNllvr'l,r.u.l1)54. Further studies on the reactions of adult blueback salmon to injected salmon andmammalian gonadotrophins. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist I l;(.1) :!!l 107PARKHI.RST, Z. E., and M. A. SMIfH. l!)57. Various drugs as aids in spawning rainbow troutProgressire <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist lllll\:.t:1.Pr,c6n, Cu,tnr-us H. 197U. Intensive culture of tiger muskellunge in Michigan during 1976and l!l77. American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Society Special Publication ll:2(12 209.PERLMLITIER, At,lnl:o, and Etrwrno WHIlr. lt)62. Lethal effect of fluorescent light on theeggs of the brook trout. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 24(l):2fi 30.PHrr-r-rps, A. M. 1957. Cortland in-service training school manual. US <strong>Fish</strong> and Wildlife Service,Cortland, New York. 271 p.PHrLLrps, ARTHUR M., Jr., and Rtctt,,lno f'. DL'N'tAs. l!)5{). 'fhe chemistry of developing browntrout eyed eggs and sac fry. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 2l(4):ll'lPHrLLrps, RAYMoNt) A. 1966. Walleye propagation. US <strong>Fish</strong> and Wildlife Scrvice, Washington,D.C. lli pp.I'IsARENKOvA, A. S. 195U. Storage and transportation of sperm of rainbow trout and pike.(Khranenie I Transportirovka Spermy Raduzhnoi Foreli I Shchuki.) Rybnaya Promyshlennost'Dal'nego Vostoka 34:47 -50Pl-()srLA, D,qNtl;t- S., and Wet.rln T. KELI.ER. 197,1. Effects of quantity of stored sperm andwater on fertilization of brook trout eggs. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 3tt(l):42 15.Il,+.and Thomas.J. McCartney. l!)72. Effects of sperm storage and dilution on fertilizationof brook trout eggs. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 3'l(ll):17{l lttlP1lgl, Dnnr,r C., and A. Ktl'lNl,r's JotlNsoN. l{)70. The effect of delayed fertilization ontransported salmon eggs. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 12(2):81 x+.PREScofl, DAvlr) M. l!)ir5. Effect of activation on the water permeability of salmon eggs.Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology -t:1( | ): I - I 2.RANTAswAMI, L. S., and B. I. SuNoln,tn,q. 19513. Action of enzymes on the gonadotrophic activityof pituitary extracts of the Indian catfish, Heleropneustes. Aclv Endocrinologica'27\2):2s32s6.RErsENBtcHLr-tR, R. R., and J. D. McIN'r'vnt.. l!177. Genetic differences in growth and survivalofjuvenile hatchery and wild steelhead trort, (Salmo gairdneri). Journal of the <strong>Fish</strong>eriesReseach Board of(anada tI(l):l2J 128.RrcKER, W. E. 1970. Hereditary and environmental factors affecting certain salmonid populations.,fn RaymondPacific salmon. H. R. MacMillanVancouver.C. Simon and Peter A. Larkin, editors. The stock concePt inlectures in <strong>fisheries</strong>. University of British Columbia,Rrcnl;r"r', JoHN D. 1976. Growth and reproduction of largemouth bass and black bullheadscultured together. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist lltJ(2) :82 tt5.Ron!:nrsolr, O. H., and A. P. RINfR[r.1957. Maturation of the infantile testes in rainbowtrout (Salmo gairdneri) produced by salmon Pituitary gonadotrophins administered incholesterol pellets. Endocrinology {r0/4';5jU-5ri2.Rucr

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