Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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lJ.1IIISII IIA'I'CI I I]R\' NIANAOF]MI]N'II'ABLI.t.1. sLtcc;t.sfl)) stANt)ARI)s l'()R ilsH tJAICHt.RY I)uVI.].()l'Nil.tNL IIIt,.sl.slANt)AIr.l)s \\'n.t. cilAN(;1.. AS Nt,.\\' c()NSIRt cil()\lllAluRI.\l.s ,\Nt) \1()Ru t.tltlCILNIt)llSl(;\S I'ilrC()\'lll AVAIl.,\Bl.ll. H,\'l CHl.RY S\'\18()1.: I - 1R()LrI ANI) S.\1.\'1()\lc()l.t) WAIlllil;C:(lO()1. \{,\i!.lt;W : Wr\l{Nl W;\llllill,\l( il1..R\S\ I' IIO I, (.RI II.,I{I,\LanclArea rtgutrcd'[ apagraph_tWatcr supplrUuailltl.l'I (mp(ra lurrC(lCllnouqh for facilities, protection of water supplv, and future expansion; trelltment ()felllucnt: Iuturc s'ater rcuse ancl rccirculationsy ste tt s.Sufl'icicnt {'lcvation bettet'r watcr sourcc andprodLrction facilities for aeraliorr ancl qravit)I'kru. l,and should havc qcntlc slopcs ornroderatr reliel'thrrt can be qradcd to pro'viclc adccluate drainaqe. Avoid areas subjcctto floodinq.'I hc uatcr supplr should bc consiclcrcd in thisordcr ol prrlrrcnce:rircr; lakc or rcst'rvoir. Ansprinq; ucll; streanr;!vatcr \ource shoulcl bc invcstiqatc.l.unclcrqrounclLakt' or rcscr\'oit uatcr prt'lerred orel crct'k orstrerrnr suppl\.Warter rt,qLrirernents are di< tatecl brthe sizcIuturt. ol the unit plarrnt'd. I hc supplyshould provide lJ chanets per hour thrruqhcach unit and no less than I change perhourthrouqh the enlire svsten). Wht-rtrvatcrreconditioning is planncd, rcquirc'ments should be adjusted to the rapabilitiesol thc system. Wcirs or watcr nrt.tcrs shouldbe installcd to rneasure total inflor'.Allorvfor fulure expansiorr. Prospective sorrrcesshould undtrqo long-ternr chenrical anallsisand biolosical or live fish tests, rvithemphasis on periods of dt'stratification w ht nreservoir or lakt' supply is contemplated.Studies should inc lude exar)rinatiorr ol'lvatershcd for potential sourccs o1 pollrrtionincluding turbiditr.filter and sterilize \\ atcr.Consitler equipmcnt t()l)tpt nclent upor) acr(-aqe irrrolled and requirements..15 {i5"F for Iish, 15 55'l' for egus. ['lan cqrripntentt() tool Or heat Iarter to temperalurcd csired.(t0 70'F dcsirablc for rvallevc and northcrnpike culture.;{l 8tl I Prolcrrcd drrrirrq ur,,rring sea.,'rr

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