Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

Fish Hatchery Management - fisheries & aquaculture

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260 FISH HATCHERY MANAGEMENTBibliographyANDERsoN, Ron.rlo J. 1974. Feeding artificial diets to smallmouth bass. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 36(3) : 145-151.ANDREWS, J,urrs W., and Jturuv W. P,qcE. 1975. The effects of frequency of feeding on cultureof catfish. Transactions of the American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Society 104(2):317321.BEyERLE, GEoxct B. 1975. Summary of attempts to raise walleye fry and fingerlings on artificialdiets, with suggestions on needed research and procedures to be used in futuretests. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 37(2) :103-105'BoNN, EoweRo W., WIlr-Iev M. BAILEY, J.tcr D. BAYLESS, KIM E. ERIcKSoN, and RoBERTE. SrEvtNs. 1976. Guidelines for striped bass culture. Striped Bass Committee, SouthernDivision, American <strong>Fish</strong>eries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. 103 p.Bnnlr, J. R. 197i. Growth responses of young sockeye salmon lonrcrhlnrhus nerka) to differentdiets and plans of nutrition. Journal of the <strong>Fish</strong>eries Research Board of Canada28 ( 10) :1635-l 643.1971. Satiation time, aPPetite, and maximum food intake of sockeye salmon (Ozcorhynchusnerka). Jovnal of the <strong>Fish</strong>eries Research Board of Canada 28(3):409-415.BUTERBAUGH, G,lrnN L., and HexvEv WILLOUGHBY. 1967. A feeding guide for brook, brownand rainbow trout. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 29(4):210-215.CHE5HIRE, W. F., and K. L. STEELE. 1972. <strong>Hatchery</strong> rearing of walleyes using artificial food.Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 34(2) :96-99.Dewer, SHrN-rcHIRo, and SutzuNont IDEDA. 1973. Studies of digestive enzymes of rainbowtrout after hatching and the effect of dietary change on the activities of digestive enzymesin the juvenile stage. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific <strong>Fish</strong>eries39(7):819-823.DELoNc, DoNer-o C., Jonrv E. Helvrn, and EnwtN T. Mnnrz. 1958. Nutrition of salmonidfishes. VL Protein requirements of chinook salmon at two water temPeratures. Journalof Nutrition 65 (4):589-599.DupREE, Henny K. 1976. Sone practical feeding and management techniques for fish farmers.Pages 77-83 rz Proceedings of the 1976 <strong>Fish</strong> Farming Conference and Annual Conventionof the Catfish Farmers of Texas, Texas Agricultural and Mining University, CollegeStation, Texas.O. L. GREEN, and Ktnutr E. SNEED. 1970. The growth and survival of fingerlingchannel catfish fed complete and incomplete feeds in ponds and troughs. Progressive<strong>Fish</strong>- Culturist 3212) :85-92.ELLIoTT, J. M. 1975. Weight of food and time required to satiate brown trout, Salmo trutta.Freshwater Biology 5:51-64.FowLER, L. G. 1973. Tests of three vitamin supplementation levels in the Abernathy diet. Progressive<strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 35(4) :197-198.and J. L. BANKs. 1976. Animal and vegetable substitutes for fish meal in the Abernathydiet. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 38(3):123-126.and J. L. BANKS. 1976. <strong>Fish</strong> meal and wheat germ meal substitutes in the Abernathydiet, 1974. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 38(3):127-130.and Rocln E. Bunnows. 1971. The Abernathy salmon diet. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 33{2\:67-75.FREEMAN, R. I., D. C. Hesxnll, D. L. LoNcAcRr, and E. W' SrlLEs. 1967. Calculations ofamounts to feed in trout hatcheries. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 29(4):194-209'GRAFF, DELAN9 R. 1968. The successful feeding of a dry diet to esocids. Progressive <strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 30(3): 152.and LrRoy SoRENSoN. i970. The successful feeding of a dry diet to esocids. Progressive<strong>Fish</strong>-Culturist 32(l) :31-35.

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