CATALOG - University of Maryland University College

CATALOG - University of Maryland University College

CATALOG - University of Maryland University College


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cable fees, repeat the course, and earn a passing grade in order toreceive credit for that course.The Grade <strong>of</strong> P: PassingSince the grade <strong>of</strong> P is only awarded for noncredit graduatecourses, it is not included in calculating the grade point average.It does, however, appear on the permanent record.The Grade <strong>of</strong> S: SatisfactoryThe grade <strong>of</strong> S is only awarded for select courses. Although thegrade <strong>of</strong> S confers credit and appears on the permanent record,courses graded S are not used in determining grade point averages.The Mark <strong>of</strong> G: Grade PendingThe mark <strong>of</strong> G is an exceptional and temporary administrativemark given only when the final grade in the course is underreview. It is not the same as a mark <strong>of</strong> Incomplete.The Mark <strong>of</strong> I: IncompleteThe grade <strong>of</strong> I (Incomplete) is an exception and is given onlyto students whose completed coursework has been qualitativelysatisfactory, but who have been unable to complete all courserequirements because <strong>of</strong> illness or other extenuating circumstancesbeyond their control. To be eligible for an I, studentsmust have completed 60 percent or more <strong>of</strong> the course requirementswith a grade <strong>of</strong> B or better. Students must request an Ifrom their faculty member before the end <strong>of</strong> the session. Faculty,however, are not required to grant the request. Students with amark <strong>of</strong> I must arrange fulfillment <strong>of</strong> course responsibilities withtheir teachers in order to receive credit. The teacher must seta deadline within four months <strong>of</strong> the last day for the session inwhich the course occurred. Marks <strong>of</strong> I are automatically convertedto F after four months.The Mark <strong>of</strong> W: WithdrawalStudents who <strong>of</strong>ficially withdraw from a course receive a mark<strong>of</strong> W. This mark appears on the permanent record unless withdrawalis completed before a course begins. For purposes <strong>of</strong>financial aid, the mark <strong>of</strong> W is counted as attempted hours. Itis not used in determining grade point averages.Computing the GPAThe grade point average is calculated using the quality pointsassigned to each grade or mark (chart on p. 120). First, thequality-point value <strong>of</strong> each grade or mark is multiplied bythe number <strong>of</strong> credits; then the sum <strong>of</strong> these quality points isdivided by the total number <strong>of</strong> credits attempted for which agrade <strong>of</strong> A, B, C, or F was received.Changes in GradeTeachers may revise a grade previously assigned if a student’sgrade has been miscalculated or a mark <strong>of</strong> I has been submittedand must be changed. Any revision must be made no later thanfour months after the original grade was awarded.Grading Repeated CoursesWhen a course is repeated, only the higher grade earned in thetwo attempts is included in the calculation <strong>of</strong> the GPA. For purposes<strong>of</strong> financial aid, both attempts are counted. Both gradesare entered on the permanent record, with a notation indicatingthat the course was repeated. Students cannot increase the totalhours earned toward a degree by repeating a course for which apassing grade was conferred previously.To establish credit in a course previously failed or withdrawnfrom, students must register, pay the full tuition and fees, andrepeat the entire course successfully.Scholastic RecognitionAcademic Honor SocietyAs the oldest and most selective <strong>of</strong> the nation’s honor societies,Phi Kappa Phi promotes the pursuit <strong>of</strong> excellence in all fields<strong>of</strong> higher education. It recognizes the outstanding achievements<strong>of</strong> students, faculty, and others through election to membershipand through awards for distinguished scholarly achievement. Toqualify, graduate students must be in the final session <strong>of</strong> theirdegree coursework and in the upper 10 percent <strong>of</strong> their graduatingclass. Additional information on the Phi Kappa Phi chaptercan be found at www.umpkp.org.The withdrawal process is described on p. 117.www.umuc.edu/grad 121

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