[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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Table 14: Sustainability Program Quality Benchmark Matrix continuedGrievance mechanismThis topic addresses the issues of having an accessible and responsive means for stakeholders to raise concerns and grievances about the projectthroughout its life. The aim is to have a grievance mechanism scaled to the potential risks and adverse impacts of the project. The mechanismshould address concerns promptly, use an understandable and transparent process that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible to allsegments of the affected communities, and do so at no cost to communities and without retribution. The mechanism should not impede access tojudicial and administrative remedies.Best practiceIneffective practice Neutral practice Good practice• There is a third party audit of theeffectiveness of the grievance mechanism.• For large projects, contractors follow thecompany’s grievance mechanism.• The grievance mechanism is functioning,clear and transparent, culturally appropriateand accessible to communities at no cost andwithout retribution to the party that originatedthe issue or concern.• Communities are included in theparticipatory monitoring of the grievancemechanism.• Communities are informed about theexistence of the grievance mechanism duringthe consultation process.• The company reports back to communitieson how grievances have been addressed.• There is no grievancemechanism in placeor the grievancemechanism is notaccessible tocommunities and theydo not use it to addressdifficulties in anon-confrontationalmanner.• The grievance mechanism is used bycommunities.• The grievance mechanism goes beyondissues of grievance, and people’s fears andemotions are addressed.• The grievance processaddresses onlygrievances, but neglectsunderlying fears andneeds of people.• Grievances are addressed in a culturallyappropriate manner.• <strong>Community</strong> perceptions are taken intoaccount when addressing grievances.• The grievance process is predictable andincludes a fixed timeline for the entireprocess.➜118 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>

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