[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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Stakeholder Analysis2DescriptionOnce you have identified stakeholders usingtool 1 (Stakeholder identification), it isnecessary to consider what stakeholders’interests are in the project and how muchand in what ways they might like to beinvolved. Every effort should be made toclearly identify and understand the interestsand perspectives of the various stakeholdersregarding a project and its potential impactsin order to design inclusive engagement andconsultation processes. It may be helpful toknow whether stakeholders support themining project, oppose it, are neutral orundecided, so that you can tailorengagements with each group accordingly.The Stakeholder Analysis tool enables you toassess how important the project might beto each stakeholder. If you are applying thistool to frame your community developmentactivities, the analysis will help youunderstand how much each stakeholdermight want to participate in communitydevelopment programs. Understanding howstakeholders relate to each other will alsohelp you to understand the web ofrelationships surrounding the project.In order to be able to engage fully with manystakeholders, it helps to understand theirmotivations for becoming involved with themining project – are their interests or concernsprimarily environmental, and/or economic orpolitical? Do they have a historical connectionto the project area, or are they relativenewcomers wishing to become more deeplyrooted in their community through publicparticipation? The list of questions that couldbe posed is as varied as the stakeholdersyou will encounter, so you need to considereach individual or group as a separate case.In coming to know your stakeholders, youwill come to understand their priorities andbe able to use this knowledge as the basisfor forming strong relationships.PurposeTo refine your understanding of youridentified stakeholders for the miningprojects, and how to engage with them, by:• defining the characteristics ofstakeholders in order to understand theirlevel of interest, connection and capacityto impact the mining project• identifying conflicts of interests betweenstakeholders, to help manage suchrelationships during the course of theproject• prioritizing the engagement with differentstakeholders based upon their influenceand impact on the project.To refine the approach you will take withdifferent stakeholders when developing acommunity program by:• drawing out the interests of stakeholdersin relation to key development issues• identifying relations between stakeholdersthat may facilitate development partnerships• assessing appropriate levels ofengagement with different stakeholders –for example informing, consulting,partnering – at different stages of theproject cycle• ensuring that the interests of women,youth and vulnerable and/or marginalizedpeople in the community are notoverlooked in the mine’s communitydevelopment programs.RELATIONSHIPS TOOLS<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>53

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