[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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CASE STUDY continuedContributing to community health and economic development throughimproved agricultural techniquesXstrata, PeruASSESSMENT TOOLSA nutrition baseline for the families was established during the year, guinea pig houseswere built, a hydroponic greenhouse was constructed for growing barley (an importantsource of vitamins for guinea pigs), and monthly training and capacity-building programswere undertaken with women and children.A second phase of the guinea pig project was then implemented – a partnership betweenLas Bambas and local NGO Caritas – and work started in the communities of Pumamarcaand Chuicuni to extend the project to 100 families.Xstrata Copper also signed an agreement with SENCICO to provide training for 200 localpeople in construction and masonry as a precursor to a trout-farming project in Pamputa.These people and a number of others were engaged mid-year to construct a six-pondrainbow trout farm under the leadership of an engineer and two construction specialists.The engineer prepared the drawings and managed the project while local people built theinfrastructure.Source: Xstrata – community engagement at Las Bambas, Peru. Available at:www.xstrata.com/sustainability/casestudies/community-engagement-at-las-bambas-peru/142 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>

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