[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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CASE STUDY continuedManaging the impacts of resettlement, AhafoNewmont, GhanaAgricultural smallholdingsThe main issue raised by the communities was the loss of land and, in turn, the ability toearn a living. Replacement plots were given to residents who lost their residential land,and farmers whose crops were disrupted received monetary compensation.There was some disagreement over prices paid for cocoa crops that had been disruptedby the resettlement. In response, the company created a “crop review committee” drawnfrom the community, NGOs, traditional authorities and government agencies.There was also disagreement over the lack of compensation for fallow land. Despite beingin accordance with Ghanaian law in not providing compensation in this case, the companydecided to explore mitigation measures for individuals who had lost fallow land.MANAGEMENT TOOLSSome people found alternative livelihoods to farming, including employment at the newmine, or in small businesses supplying the mine with goods and services, but there weresome concerns regarding a perceived lack of youth employment opportunities, particularlyin agriculture. In response, the company launched an agricultural improvement and landaccess program to help farmers increase their crop productivity.The program offered five agricultural assistance packages, and monetary assistance.Initially, the program targeted around 4,000 farmers. Two thousand individuals formallyregistered and 400 received assistance packages and begun new farms as a result.Outcomes and lessons learnedThe company worked closely with the community during the resettlement process, drawingon external expertise where necessary, and responded quickly and effectively to concernsraised along the way, going beyond legal requirements where necessary.The company ensured that the main source of employment not only continued, but wasstrengthened, following resettlement. In addition, the company ensured that vulnerablepopulations were specifically supported during the relocation.Full resettlement disclosure documents available at:www.newmont.com/africa/ahafo-ghana/public-disclosure-documentsSources:Newmont website – 2007 community development case studies, accessed 10 January 2009 from:www.beyondthemine.com/2007/?l=2&pid=240&parent=253&id=303“Independent assessment of resettlement implementation: Ahafo South Project” (August 2005) prepared byFrédéric Giovannetti, a resettlement consultant, for Newmont and the IFC“Independent monitoring of resettlement implementation: progress update” (January 2006),Newmont Ghana Gold Limited.“Report on vulnerable program: Ahafo South Project” (April 2006) prepared by planning Alliance forNewmont Ghana Gold Limited<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>183

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