[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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Mining and community developmentcontinuedIn addition, international developmentagencies may also play a role in communitydevelopment in the mining sector, althoughthey are not always present in areas wheremining takes place. Donors have uniqueinfluence and responsibility, particularly inharmonizing the standards by whichcommunities are treated and in bringinginfluence to bear on public and private sectordevelopment actors. They provide animportant source of development resources,expertise and experience and can advisegovernments, companies, NGOs/CBOs andcommunities of good practice as well ashelping mobilize financial support forlocal development projects. Internationalorganizations can play a particularly effectiverole in encouraging regional managementapproaches and the co-ordinatedmanagement of cumulative impacts.Although each of the developmentparticipants described above has a distinctrole to play in the sustainable communitydevelopment process, great benefits canderive from partnerships between severalof them. For example, in Peru, the FondoMinero Antamina (FMA), in co-operation withthe municipal and national governments,identified five key areas for sustainabledevelopment programs, one of whichwas nutrition. The largest programsupported by the FMA to date is the AllyMicuy (meaning “good nutrition” in Quechua)health program addressing childmalnutrition. Ally Micuy is being implementedby two NGOs (Caritas in the northern halfof Ancash Region and ADRA in the south).After operating for two years, a reduction inchronic malnutrition among children underthree years of age by almost 7% has beenattributed to the program, with over 31,000children benefiting from the program todate. 15<strong>Community</strong> development in the miningproject cycle<strong>Community</strong> development activities spanall phases of the mining and metals projectcycle. All present particular challenges andopportunities. It is important to rememberthat the relationships between miningcompanies, local communities and otherstakeholders begin long before constructionof a mine commences, and companies wouldbe wise to invest in establishing good localrelationships at the earliest stages possible.While the toolkit includes guidelines onwhen different tools are applicable, as apractical rule of thumb the sooner you start,the better. Processes can more easily beslowed down than speeded up to meet acommunity’s needs. Additional guidance forthe exploration phases of project developmentis provided in the Prospectors andDevelopers Association of Canada’s (PDAC)Environmental Excellence in Exploration(E3) 16 – free registration is provided to anonline reference (an e-manual) of bestpractices in environmental managementand community engagement practices forminerals exploration globally. Where leasesor projects are acquired from othercompanies, an assessment of relationshiplegacies must be made at the earliestpossible stage and steps towardsamelioration taken as soon as possible,if needed.MINING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT15 World Bank, Mining Foundations, Trusts and Funds: A Sourcebook, Washington DC, June 2010. Available at:http://go.worldbank.org/ICB0VQBWM016 See www.pdac.ca/e3plus<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>25

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