[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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Consultation Matrix3DescriptionThere is a significant difference betweenrelationships in which stakeholders areengaged in consultative ways and those inwhich stakeholders are seen as passiverecipients of engagement activities. You needto understand these distinctions in order todecide what level of engagement you wouldreally like to undertake with each group ofstakeholders – and how successful thatlevel of engagement might be.Engagement should be both formal andinformal and may involve a number of theactivities listed below:• information disclosure• public meetings, interviews withspecific stakeholders• community liaison team membersappointed• grievance mechanism, newsletters,open houses• annual/quarterly targeted consultation• perception surveys• participatory monitoring.The consultation matrix is the basis fordeveloping a comprehensive, well-thoughtthroughconsultation plan. It is a helpful toolfor ensuring that information gets to thepeople who need it, at the right times; thatfeedback from stakeholders reaches theright people in the company and government;and that stakeholders are informed of theresults of their inputs. Stakeholders shouldbe asked what level of consultation theydesire – information provision, involvementin meetings, active contribution to planning,participation in monitoring activities forthe project or partnership on communitydevelopment programs. Matching the levelsof interactions with stakeholders’ needsand expectations will help you deliver atargeted, time-effective consultationprogram. Ideally, consultations between allstakeholders should be frequent, open andmutual. Consultation is not a one-way street.Key principles for achieving comprehensiveconsultation are:• consult often and not just when you needsomething• consult everyone who wants to beconsulted• listen as much as you talk• record your interactions in a database,including comments and responses fromstakeholders and your responses to them• be responsive to issues raised/actionsarising from consultations and commit toproviding feedback to your stakeholdersabout their concerns• keep a register of any commitments youor your colleagues have made withstakeholders and review it regularly.RELATIONSHIPS TOOLS<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>57

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