[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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Management Systems15DescriptionIntegrated community developmentmanagement systems can help communitydevelopment personnel manage theactivities required to implement successfulcommunity development programs.An integrated management system willnormally entail a set of policies andprocedures, registers of training, astakeholder database, a complaintsregister, a commitments register andreporting frameworks. These can be inhard copy or, more typically, in electronicformats. 40Integrating community developmentmanagement with the managementprocesses of the rest of the mine andcompany may involve participation inproject- and corporation-wide committees,communication throughout the companyand with external stakeholders, andreporting. The essential element is for thecommunity development team to activelyengage across the board within thecompany, however it may be structured.Purpose<strong>Development</strong> and implementation of anintegrated management system ensures thatcommunity development activities apply the“plan, do, check, act” process common toISO standards. Management systems addrigour to processes that you may alreadyhave been undertaking through formalizingexisting processes and allowing them tobe audited.When to use this toolAn integrated management system shouldalways be used. It should be established asearly as possible in the life of a mining andmetals project, used daily, maintainedcontinuously, monitored regularly andrevised and improved as needed. Quarterlyreviewing and annual updating/upgrading ofthe system should be sufficient to ensurethat it is kept in good working order.How to use this toolThe explanation below details thefundamental aspects of an integratedcommunity development managementsystem.MANAGEMENT TOOLSSTEP 1Using the knowledge base of your localand regional communities (tool 11 SocialBaseline Study) and other stakeholders(tool 1 Stakeholder Identification), and thecommunity development vision of yourdepartment (tool 6 Strategic PlanningFramework), produce policies to supportthis approach.40 Though this list is not exhaustive, some electronic systems that companies may wish to consider are Borealis(www.boreal-is.com), SQL (www.sqleffects.com) and Q-Pulse (www.q-pulse.com).<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>161

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