[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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GlossarycontinuedGLOSSARY AND REFERENCESQuantitative surveys Research that isconcerned with measurement of objective,quantitative and statistically valid data.Simply put, it is about numbers. In quantitativesurveys a relatively large and scientificallycalculated sample of people from apopulation is asked a set of closed questionsto determine the frequency and percentageof their responses. Quantitative surveys canbe used with reasonable levels of confidenceto assess community attitudes across largepopulations. Weaknesses of quantitativesurveys, however, are that they are relativelyexpensive and questions are strictly ordered,determined by the questioner and are closed– respondents cannot introduce topics intothe survey and cannot expand on or qualifytheir responses.Semi-structured interviews Interviews thatare partially structured by a flexibleinterview guide with a limited number ofpreset questions. The guide ensures thatthe interview remains focused on the issueat hand, while providing enough flexibilityto allow participants to introduce anddiscuss topics that are relevant to them.Semi-structured interviews are a deliberatedeparture from survey-type interviews withlengthy, predetermined questionnaires.Stakeholder analysis A process that seeksto identify and describe the interests andrelationships of all the stakeholders in agiven project. It is a necessary preconditionto participatory planning and projectmanagement.RRanking An exercise in which respondentsidentify what is most important to them(e.g. in identifying development needs,communities may rank livelihood as moreimmediately important than education).Ranking allows facilitators to understandlocal preferences, and to understand howvalues differ among different groups.Identifying local preferences and priorities iscritical to choosing appropriate and effectivedevelopment strategies and interventions.SSecondary data Qualitative or quantitativeinformation that has already beenassembled, having been collected for someother purpose. Sources may include censusreports, journal articles, technical oracademic studies and other publications.Stakeholders Persons or groups who areaffected by or can affect the outcome of aproject. Stakeholders may be individuals,interest groups, government agencies orcorporate organizations. They may includepoliticians, commercial and industrialenterprises, labour unions, academics,religious groups, national social andenvironmental groups, public sectoragencies and the media.Standard of living The level of well-being ofan individual, group or the population, asmeasured by the level of income or by thequantity of various goods and servicesconsumed.Strategic plan An outline of the program ororganization’s long-term goals, and of thespecific strategies, approaches,methodologies and resources through whichthose goals will be achieved.208 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>

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