[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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Management toolsTOOL 14TOOL 15TOOL 16TOOL 17TOOL 18<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> Agreements155A flexible approach to voluntary agreement making betweencompanies and communities, to help ensure that communitydevelopment programs or initiatives achieve successful outcomes.Management Systems161An integrated management system could be a set of policies andprocedures and traditional hard-copy registers for recording andreporting on their use and implementation or it can be a modern,electronic system for performing the same tasks. Using anintegrated management system helps a company to assesswhether sufficient resources are being allocated to the rightfunctions at the right time.<strong>Community</strong> Action Plans165The community action plan (CAP) is a detailed plan forimplementing solutions to the problems that have been identifiedduring the participatory planning process. It will become themanagement plan both for the community and its developmentpartners, and will be adjusted to suit circumstances and changingcommunity priorities as time passes.Local Economic Investment173For long-term community and economic viability and sustainablecommunity development, it is vital that efforts be made to helpdiversify local economies. Mining activities can play a crucialcatalytic role by both ensuring that companies purchase goodsand services locally and also in encouraging a diversification ofthe local economic base. Companies can also foster the equitabledistribution of mine-stimulated benefits by ensuring that theirprograms provide opportunities to women and vulnerable and/ormarginalized groups.Resettlement Planning179In most jurisdictions, and by all measures of good practice, it isnecessary to ensure that any people physically or economicallydisplaced by mining activities have their assets and livelihoodsreplaced, and even improved. This will include communal,community and public assets if they are affected. This is a complexand highly specialized field and a mining project should seriouslyconsider engaging specialized and experienced consultants tomanage the process for a resettlement process of any size largerthan a few households.<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>153

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