[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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GlossarycontinuedGGender The socially constructed rolesascribed to males and females and resultingsocially determined relations. Gender rolesare learned, change over time and varywidely within and across cultures. Gender isa key variable in social analysis. It isimportant to understand the social,economic, political and cultural forces thatdetermine how men and women participatein, benefit from and control projectresources and activities. Social analysisshould highlight gender-specific constraints,risks and opportunities.LLogical framework A simplified chain ofrelationships that demonstrates the logicand assumptions underlying a program orintervention and how it intends to achieve itsexpected results. It states the logic of theprogram, identifies the assumptions onwhich it is based and outlines the logicalconnections between i) the activitiesundertaken, ii) the outputs to be produced,iii) the immediate or short-term outcomesthat are expected and iv) the ultimate orlong-term impacts the program is designedto achieve.GLOSSARY AND REFERENCESIImpact Any effect, whether anticipated orunanticipated, positive or negative, broughtabout by a development intervention.Indicator Quantitative or qualitative factor orvariable that provides a simple and reliablemeans to measure achievement, to reflectthe changes connected to an interventionor to help assess the performance of adevelopment actor.Input The activities and resources allocatedto the implementation of communitydevelopment projects.Institutional analysis Analyses theinstitutional capacities and relationshipscritical to operational success, and identifiesgaps or weaknesses in institutionalresources, performance or sustainability.Over time, an institution may be consideredsustainable if it can secure necessarysupport, provide continuing developmentactivities and services that are valued by itsstakeholders and maintain its functions withdecreasing levels of external support.MMediation A voluntary and confidentialprocess in which a neutral third partyfacilitator helps people discuss difficultissues and negotiate an agreement.Basic steps in the process include gatheringinformation, framing the issues, developingoptions, negotiating and formalizingagreements. Parties in mediation createtheir own solutions and the mediator doesnot have any decision-making power overthe outcome.Mediation-arbitration A hybrid thatcombines both of the above processes.Prior to the session, the disputing partiesagree to try mediation first, but give theneutral third party the authority to makea decision if mediation is not successful.Mission statement A brief statementoutlining the specific task(s) for whicha group has charged itself.<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>205

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