[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

[PDF] Community Development Toolkit - CommDev

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Resettlement Planning18DescriptionThe construction and operation of a miningor metals project, including its infrastructuresuch as accommodation, roads, dams andstorage facilities, require the acquisition ofland. Sometimes there are people eitherliving on or using this land for theirlivelihoods and who will therefore be eitherphysically or economically displaced bythe development of the mine. Physicaldisplacement means that the residentpopulation will need to move to anotherplace. For those who lose productive landor resources or have their access to itdiminished by the activities of the miningor metals company, the process istermed economic displacement. In mostjurisdictions, and by all measures of goodpractice, it is necessary to ensure that thepeople physically or economically displacedby the mine have their assets and livelihoodsreplaced, and even improved. This willinclude communal, community and publicassets if they are affected.PurposeIf the development of a mining or metalsproject will require the physical or economicdisplacement of residents in the host area,then a resettlement action plan (RAP) will berequired. If only economic and not physicaldisplacement will occur, then a livelihoodrestoration plan rather than a RAP will beneeded. The IFC is the leading internationalagency that provides resettlement planningguidance to private sector mining projectson resettlement. Its principles forresettlement planning are set out inPerformance Standard 5 “Land Acquisitionand Involuntary Resettlement” 46 and aresummarized below:• to avoid, and when avoidance is notpossible, minimize displacement byexploring alternative project designs• to avoid forced evictions• to anticipate and avoid, or whereavoidance is not possible, minimizeadverse social and economic impactsfrom land acquisition or restrictions onland use by (i) providing compensationfor loss of assets at replacement cost and(ii) ensuring that resettlement activitiesare implemented with appropriatedisclosure of information, consultationand the informed participation of thoseaffected• to improve, or restore, the livelihoods andstandards of living of displaced persons• to improve living conditions amongphysically displaced persons through theprovision of adequate housing withsecurity of tenure at resettlement sites.MANAGEMENT TOOLS46 See IFC’s Sustainability Framework, 2012 edition,http://www1.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/Topics_Ext_Content/IFC_External_Corporate_Site/IFC+Sustainability/Sustainability+Framework/The+2009-2011+Review+and+Update/<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Development</strong> <strong>Toolkit</strong>179

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