Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

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Endnotes1. Given in London on the evening <strong>of</strong> September 2, 1923. <strong>The</strong> lecture leadingup to this meditative verse is published under the title Man as Picture<strong>of</strong> the Living Spirit. <strong>The</strong> meditation is quoted in Verses and Meditations,Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993.2. Permission for translation kindly given by the Rudolf Steiner Verlag,Dornach, Switzerland. See Rudolf Steiner, Collected Works, GA276,Dornach, 1998, translated by V.S.3. See Guenther Wachsmuth. Die Aetherische Welt in Wissenschaft, Kunst undReligion,Vol. 2, Dornach, 1927.4. See Rudolf Steiner, August 18, 1924, in Torquay, in True and False Pathsin Spiritual Investigation, London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1985, translatedby V.S.5. See Rudolf Steiner, lecture <strong>of</strong> November 16, 1917, in St. Gallen, GeographicMedicine, New York: Mercury Press, 1986.6. See Rudolf Steiner, <strong>The</strong> Christmas Conference for the Foundation <strong>of</strong> theGeneral Anthroposophical Society, 1923–1924, Anthroposophic Press, 1990.7. See Rudolf Steiner, lecture <strong>of</strong> April 14, 1912, in <strong>The</strong> Spiritual Beings inthe Heavenly Bodies and in the Kingdoms <strong>of</strong> Nature, Anthroposophic Press,1992.8. See Note 4, lecture <strong>of</strong> August 21, 1924.257

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