Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

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Who Is Truly a Westerner Today?byHenry Barnes<strong>The</strong> Western world is watching current events unfold in EasternEurope with amazement and no little self-satisfaction. “At last,” one thinks,“they have seen the light and are learning to do things our way! We Westernershave, <strong>of</strong> course, known all along that political democracy and marketdrivencapitalism are the way to live, and now, finally, they are catching on!”Our virtuous self-congratulation is spiced with the heady wine <strong>of</strong> a vision <strong>of</strong>enormously expended markets for Western goods and services. But whereare the voices calling on the West to awake to its own responsibilities; torecognize the need for critical self-examination <strong>of</strong> its own state <strong>of</strong> being?What about our own moral and spiritual values? As an <strong>America</strong>n, one asks,what about my own society with its widening gap between rich and poor,its inner-city cancers, its failing educational system, stagnating economyand irresponsible financial legerdemain? Is this really the model for a worldstruggling to find itself after decades <strong>of</strong> suppression and totalitarian controlin the name <strong>of</strong> an ideology that promised brotherhood and equality for allmankind? Is not the awakening in Eastern Europe also a powerful call tothe West to awake to its own true nature and thus become the partner a newEurope and the wider world need?It is in this sense that one asks: who, indeed, is truly a Westerner today?What are those distinctive attributes that are needed if the world is tobe complete and whole? Are they identical with the West’s own Hollywoodimage <strong>of</strong> itself, which the media has worked so hard to project? Or is thereanother “West” struggling to find itself below the surface <strong>of</strong> life today, aWest rooted in the past, but seeking always to “become”?264

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