Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

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Another example <strong>of</strong> this phenomenon is the development <strong>of</strong> theatom bomb. <strong>The</strong> theories and ideas necessary for its production came out <strong>of</strong>Europe in a threefold way. Polish-born Marie Curie discovered uranium, thenecessary ingredient for its production. Albert Einstein and others in middleEurope developed the theoretical foundation for it. Ernest Rutherford andNiels Böhr in western Europe did the principal experimental work. Whatwas begun in middle Europe was carried to the United States by severalEuropean nuclear physicists, including Einstein, Enrico Fermi, John vonNeumann and Edward Teller, in order to be brought into physical production.<strong>The</strong>se are examples <strong>of</strong> the practical application <strong>of</strong> the will as appliedin North <strong>America</strong>. Is it mere coincidence? Are there other mirrorings <strong>of</strong> thewill or threefoldness in <strong>America</strong>?<strong>The</strong> characteristics <strong>of</strong> a nation are represented and symbolized inthe memorials they construct in their capitals. Visitors to Washington, D.C.,are met by the trinity <strong>of</strong> three national monuments—a manifestation <strong>of</strong> thethreefold human being. Piercing the sky is an obelisk, reminiscent <strong>of</strong> ancientEgypt, built by the Masonic order as a symbol <strong>of</strong> George Washington. Thismonument is both an external and internal symbol <strong>of</strong> “will.”To the west, mirrored in the reflecting pool, is the Lincoln Memorial.Within classical Greek pillars and an open architecture, sits William French’swhite marble sculpture <strong>of</strong> Abraham Lincoln, so alive in its expression thatthe eyes seem to follow you as you walk through the horizontal space beforeit. <strong>The</strong>re is a sense <strong>of</strong> goodness which prevails. Here we have an image <strong>of</strong>the purity <strong>of</strong> our life <strong>of</strong> “feeling.”Across the tidal basin, alone on a peninsula that juts into the PotomacRiver, sits a domed edifice—the Jefferson Memorial. Thomas Jefferson,perhaps the most inspired thinker <strong>of</strong> the new nation, is memorialized in abuilding whose very architectural form is representative <strong>of</strong> the contemplative.<strong>The</strong>se three individuals and their monuments stand as testament toa wisdom we can only imagine today, but what are the hidden forces withinthe earth that affected them and everyone who lives here?Electricity/MagnetismIt would be impossible to discuss the geography <strong>of</strong> North <strong>America</strong>without consideration <strong>of</strong> the subterranean forces <strong>of</strong> electricity and magnetismthat are especially strong in North <strong>America</strong>. <strong>The</strong> magnetic pole <strong>of</strong> theearth is situated in the Western Hemisphere in northwestern <strong>America</strong>. 7 Thismeans that the western hemisphere is the electromagnetic hemisphere. This43

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