Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

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the entire world. Thus, workers, slaves, Native <strong>America</strong>ns, and financierssuffered or enjoyed contrasting fates in a single century which changed thefact <strong>of</strong> the North <strong>America</strong>n continent.Yet in the middle <strong>of</strong> the nineteenth century one individual—a poet,nurse, philosopher and sage—gathered his thoughts and essays on“Democracy and the Individual,” which he had been working on since1862 when he left his post as newspaper editor in New York to visit hiswounded brother on a Virginia battlefield. He had undergone a maturingprocess while working as a nurse in the war hospitals in Washington, D.C.,comforting young soldiers, carrying sweets, and paper, writing letters, orassisting in operations. During these years, Walt Whitman (1819–1892) unitedhimself with his country’s tragedy and watched daily as President Lincolnrode into Washington on his horse on the way to the war cabinet, wearingon his face the signs and impressions <strong>of</strong> a war pitting North against theSouth, slave-owners against abolitionists, industrialists against agrarians,and brothers against brothers at the cost <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> lives. After the war,in 1871, Whitman took a very hard look at <strong>America</strong> and wrote about it inhis “Democratic Vistas”:I say we had best look our times and lands searchingly, in the face,like a physician diagnosing some deep disease. Never was there,perhaps, more hollowness at heart than at the present, and here in theUnited States. Genuine belief seems to have left us. <strong>The</strong> underlyingprinciples <strong>of</strong> the States are not honestly believed in, nor is humanityitself believed in. What penetrating eye can not see through themask? 4Behind this mask, Whitman perceived three stages in the democraticexperiment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>America</strong>n people. <strong>The</strong> first stage was the establishment<strong>of</strong> political foundations upon which the rights <strong>of</strong> millions <strong>of</strong> people rested,embodied in the Declaration <strong>of</strong> Independence, the Federal Constitution,and the state governments, all constructed for universal man and not forthe classes.<strong>The</strong> second stage related to material prosperity, wealth, produce, laborsavingmachines, iron, cotton, local state and continental railways,intercommunication and trade with all lands, steamship, mining,general employment, organization <strong>of</strong> great cities, cheap appliancesfor comfort, numberless technical schools, books, newspapers, acurrency for money circulation, etc. … 5309

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