Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

Riddle of America, The - Waldorf Research Institute

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A modern indicator <strong>of</strong> such heart, as big as the buffalo heart, can be seen inthe existence <strong>of</strong> two charitable institutions in Oklahoma City with globalimpact, World Neighbors and Feed the Children.This cross <strong>of</strong> forces is erected in the hearts <strong>of</strong> Oklahomans. Thosesolar forces <strong>of</strong> dedication and self‐sacrifice contend with the polar forces <strong>of</strong>lawlessness and greed for the upper hand within each individual. RudolfSteiner reminds us <strong>of</strong> the poetic imagination <strong>of</strong> Anastasius Grun, who couldsee a time when the cross as a symbol <strong>of</strong> suffering would fade from memoryafter strife had been laid to rest. <strong>The</strong> ancient stone cross would be overgrownby the roses <strong>of</strong> a long peace. In Oklahoma, however, the image is reversed, forhidden underneath the crosstimbers that stood as a barrier to the expansion<strong>of</strong> 19th century, European civilization lies a vein <strong>of</strong> red rose rocks, extendingfor thirty miles both north and south <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma City. This “cross” standshere, as a guardian, to open our eyes to the genius living in these templegrounds—in the mountains, rivers, and prairie grasses sweeping up to thewest—to a life that is not lived in a “place,” as in the 19th century Europeanmodel, but to life lived as a journey. <strong>The</strong> temple <strong>of</strong> Oklahoma is a slowlyspinning wheel, like the wandering hooves <strong>of</strong> the former buffalo herds: nota wheel <strong>of</strong> suffering, as in the oriental tradition, but a Medicine Wheel <strong>of</strong>wisdom. <strong>The</strong> wheel <strong>of</strong> wisdom takes us in every direction so that we mayreceive the gifts <strong>of</strong> each one in order to heal our infirmities. Over Oklahomathe air from every direction spins in a vortex, alternating first one way andthen the other with the passing highs and lows, sometimes with great ferocity.So, also, the various peoples and cultures have been vigorously mixedhere to create a chalice <strong>of</strong> opportunity and creativity.We are also stirred by atavistic southern warmth forces, manifestingas fundamentalism, racial arrogance, and self‐righteousness that would “lordit over” others. At the opposite pole, we have taken every materialistic turn<strong>of</strong> the cold, calculating mind, which would plow the soil, drill for oil, or flyto the moon, despite the harm it does to one’s neighbor, and justify it as forthe greatest good. <strong>The</strong>se two extremes mark the polar current.However, this stream is crossed by forces that can reveal the easternlight <strong>of</strong> the spirit and shape that sensitivity through the dark western forces<strong>of</strong> the will. Consequently, Oklahoma has produced people <strong>of</strong> purpose whohave been able to reach around the world with their social vision, as well asartists who have reached around the world with their artistic vision in color,music, and dance. <strong>The</strong> crosstimbers <strong>of</strong> suffering rise up “at the still point <strong>of</strong>the turning world.” When that suffering enters a heart warmed to willingsacrifice by the Christ‐Sun and stirred by creation’s dance, that is, a heart76

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