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B. Christansencoming years (Ohmae, 2005; Allen, 2011). In fact, the BRIC economies together arerapidly approaching the range of the original “G-7 nations” (Canada, France, Germany,Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, USA) in terms of total size (Goldman Sachs, 2011). Theindications here should be self-evident.Therefore, developing workers with the skillsets and qualities outlined earlier tocompete on par with other workers in entities such as these will be imperative to sustainableeconomic, national, and worker success.There are six disruptive shifts beyond the realm of governmental control which willbe highly relevant to future work skills (Institute for the Future for University of PhoenixResearch Institute, 2011), and thus demand lifelong learning which should ideallybe developed from childhood:• Extreme Longevity: Increasing global lifespans means multiple careers will becomecommonplace, and occupational change will necessitate lifelong learning• Rise of Smart Machines & Systems: Workplace automation will continue tonudge human workers out of rote, repetitive tasks and impact every domain ofour lives• Computational World: Massive increases in processing power will make theworld a programmable system on a scale never before possible• New Media Ecology: New communication tools will require new media literaciesbeyond text, and completely transform the way in which we communicate• Superstructured Organizations: New social technologies will drive new formsof production and value creation beyond traditional organizational boundaries• Globally Connected World: Increased global interconnectivity will place diversityand adaptability at the center of organizational operationsBeyond these six drivers, it is also important to consider other effects of acceleratingglobalization such as rising environmental concerns, threats to social stability andorder, the expanding impact of technology, and the imperative to increase productivityespecially in the advanced economies (IBM, 2008). All of these factors will make destabilizingcycles of volatility more likely than ever before. It is worth highlighting thatthe first half of the 21 st century will be the first time in 200 years when emergingmarketnations will contribute more to growth than the developed countries (McKinseyQuarterly, 2010).Due to the many factors above, it is important to turn our attention now to somespecifics regarding education. Below is a brief investigation of the current educationalsystems of two very different economic, geopolitical, and social countries from whichsome analyses and suggestions will be explored in the Conclusion: Turkey and theUSA. These nations shall most likely either gain or retain very important positions inthe global geopolitical landscape during the first half of the 21 st century (Friedman,9

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