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V. Marcinovádevelopment. It is evident that human resource development evaluations should bealigned with organizational performance and effectiveness. Through evaluation of ahuman resources development is possible to understand its impact on the organization.Each action within HRD needs to be identified as a solution for certain identified gapin organization´s performance. The evaluation helps to determine the effectiveness ofthis action. Any research has not explicitly exploring the reasons why organizationsrely primarily on reaction data and do not invest in evaluations that are providing financialimpacts and returns. Furthermore, the literature is weak in its attempt to enhanceour understanding of measuring human resource development actions, which isuseful for organizational decision-making (Holton & Naquin, 2005; Mattson, 2003).Intellectual capital theory (according to Urbančíková, 2006) uses financial ratios todetermine the return on human capital. One of the key indicators is the difference ofthe market value and the book value or modern indicator:Return on investment into Human Capital =Market ValueCosts for reproducing assetsHowever, it also has limited applicability due to the uncertainty in assessing themarket, which can vary significantly from actual performance and results of the company(Urbančíková, 2006).Another indicator based on the theory of human capital (Cascio, 2000) defines theperiod executing in the company as an indicator of accumulated skills and competencies.Executing the same position in the company is a kind of substitute for obtainedspecific qualifications, which includes knowledge and experience and consideres wagespaid to workers as expression of human capital economic value.Wages can be, according to W.F.Cascia (2000) used to measure the return on investmentin the human capital development, but only in combination with a model ofeconomic value added, so that the interest is considered as the price of capital owed.The issue of evaluation of company human resources development activities hasengaged several experts (Fitz - Enz, 2000; Ulrich, Zenger a Smallwood, 1999; Becker,Huselid a Ulrich, 2001; Kaplan a Norton, 2007; Holton a Naquin, 2001). Unison concludedthat the evaluation of programs for human resources development means thecomparisson the cost of staff development with the increase of business output andsuch assessments of corporate human resources development contributes to a betterassessment of the value of other investments in human resource development. Ensure agood quality evaluation of human resource development with a subsequent recommendationof other activities can only be provided by an expert on human resource development,who also monitors the increase in employee's individual performance, company-wideperformance indicators, improving efficiency and achieving a satisfactory85

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