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Human capital management in enterprises in knowledge based economy conditionsPeter Drucker, a prominent theoretician, added one more task to the four classicmanagement tasks: planning, organizing, motivating and control. This additional taskis human development. It should be gaining more and more importance as investmentin human capital is becoming the main priority for many companies.The main condition for effective management of human resources is therefore aproper education system as well as a good system of gaining qualifications and on-jobtrainings in the economic initiative system.Increasing the level of education equally pertains to employees and employers.They should be prepared to manage the company, especially human resources and sodifferent forms of education must be developed.One practical examples of improvement of management abilities is the program oftraining called “Outstanding Manager ”. The workshop took the form of lectures and aseminar discussion conducted by coach and moderator as one person. The project isaimed at educating of managers and improvement of human resources managementabilities in a modern enterprise in the knowledge-based economy. In opinion of Laotse,a famous ancient Chinese philosopher, the best managers are invisible meaningthat people are convinced they do their work by themselves.Poznań University of Technology in turn, taking care for future managers, executestwo projects “Engineer’s era” and “Engineer of the future”. Students are proposed tohave wide themes trainings like: time management, presentation skills, PR creation andsavoir vivre. Students are also made conscious of continuous learning and improvementneed, also in interpersonal abilities.Experts point out, missing foreign language knowledge can become a serious barrierfor a manager Katarzyna Kordoń, president of K&K Select Personal ConsultingCenter remarks that 90% of foreign clients of her company requires English skills fromcandidates. Students of Production Management and Engineering in Poznań Universityof Technology have two courses – soft skills in English and advanced Au-toCAD. Theskills achieved are used by them among others when writing motivation letters to foreignemployers (De Graff, Kolmos, 2014).An organization’s knowledge resources are its intellectual assets, which are a sumof each employee’s knowledge used by the organization in its endeavours. Employeeswho can avail of their knowledge to lower the costs and increase the company’s valueare the key link in its knowledge resources (Adamowski, Frydecka, Kiejna, 2007, p.319).The new social division of tasks faces a challenge of how to increase the productivityof knowledge, especially when the productivity of investment in the physical capitalis falling and the productivity of investment in human capital is growing.According to Tomasz Szpikowski, president of Bergman Engineering, during studiesthere should be taught, apart from standard education aspects, such subjects, like:presentation skills, team work, team management, reporting and motivating - relatedto human capital management.94

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