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A. Dziadkiewicz, J. Nieżurawskause the keyboard and the Net very efficiently and there is where they find answers toall their questions (see table 1).Traditionalists(1925-45)Table 1. Generation differencesBaby Boomers(1946-64)Generation X(1965-80)Generation Y* 7(1981-99)Priorities: loyalty,focusing on history,anxiousnessPriorities: optimism, ahierarchy of values andlife strategy, stabilizationPriorities: carefulness,innovationinterest , but basedon quantitative dataPriorities: lifearound media andflash, participationin experiments,life longlearning, relativecloseness of peersAt work: worship ofheritage, resistanceto changes, amethod „throughtrial and error”,unnecessary communications,pensionclaimAt work: interest ofdevelopment and career,money as a value,need of recognition andprestige ( function,post, own office), resistanceto changes atwork = a loss of ownposition, difficulties inpulling together inturbulent environment,occasional communications,development –only when influenceson promotion or salaryrise, well-deservedpensionAt work: changeorientated,changeablecareer (everyfew years), awardfor a work progressmeans „freedom”in decision-makingand management,being always onthe go, relax whenretired, need ofregular communications(differentforms), selfdevelopment(courses) as asource of careerplanningAt work: a fewtasks made simultaneously(afew careers)choice of work,that is only interestingand inaccordance withinterests,Work is not themost important,being in differentprojects/tasks,requirement offeedback andconstant learning,a lack of retirementplanSource: A. Dziadkiewicz, M. Kłos, Tworzenie zespołów różnorodnych w przedsiębiorstwach zorientowanychna design, [in:] Zarządzanie w XXI wieku. Menedżer innowacyjnej organizacji, E. Gołębiowska(editor), „Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie”, Vol. XIV, nr 12, pp. 361-374.* Generation Y has many names: Millenials, Generation Next, Generation Why?, iPod Generation.51

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